Hello everyone. Let me first say I have much respect for all of you 'emergency workers' out there. I am really considering becoming a firefighter. It's a burning passion inside of me. I've been doing a lot of research and trying to compile as much information as I can. I live near Chicago, Illinois so if anyone from the area could help!! So here we go..
I'm only 18 years old, so bear with me here. I'm on a gap year between high school and college. I'd like to get a few questions out of the way. In all that I've read, you cannot be color blind to become a certified EMT. Unfortunately I have the common red/green color deficiency. Does my deficiency disqualify me from becoming and EMT? Thus elimating my chance of becoming a firefighter? Any imput on this subject would be appreciated. Do you guys know of any EMTs or Firefighters that are color blind but still got the job? Another question I have is how does it work if you wear contacts/glasses. I've heard that you can get your mask with your eye perscription in it? Is it safe to wear contacts when running into a fire? (lol) Now to the actual process of becoming a firefighter..
If I'm eligible.. I plan on getting my EMT-B. After that I'm stuck. I don't know what to do. Obviously I would knock on some doors and get some field experience. Should I take some Fire Science classes at the local community college? Should I just hang around, workout, gain experience as an EMT then apply as to be a firefighter when I'm 21? Will I be able to recieve the firefighter training from the department if I make the cut? Are there any Firefighter Academy's around Chicago that I could go to that would give me my EMT license and train me to become a firefighter? I'm sorry so many questions.. but my brain is in a knot right now. Thanks for reading this far. :)

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Go to the "search forums" link and type in "colorblind". You'll find at least 2 other posts on this topic. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for there.
Ok I did this and I found out some things but I still am having trouble figuring out if I can obtain an EMT-B with a color problem. Thank you for your reply.
Matt, I just noticed that you're in Tinley Park. I'm N/W of you in Bartlett (near Elgin). The State of Illinois does allow EMT's to be colorblind. I happen to know 2 of them personally. Actually they're paramedics. Just to make sure, I would contact the medical director of your EMS system and ask him/her. Your F.D. EMS coordinator can probably help with this. There might be different requirements for your system down there. You could get your EMT-B and then start applying to F.D's when you meet the age requirement. As for an academy, I think Orland Park has one. Yes, you can get glasses that fit inside your SCBA mask, I have them myself. I would NOT wear contact lenses into a fire. Hope that helps, stay safe!
Thank you so much!! And awesome we should meet up. (lol, just kidding)
If you're ever up this way, I'll give you a tour of our new station.
People who are colorblind don't usually have issues. They work them out because their brain recognizes the colors they don't see properly as a "different" color or shade that they recognize. You are 18 yrs old, how have you made it through the rest of your life with that issue? IS it really an issue for you? I know for some people they don't even realize they are color blind for many years.
I've never heard out West of a problem with being color blind and being a EMT or Firefighter. Maybe just a East coast thing. Cant see a real problem with it. As to taking classes, yes I would be taking my Fire Science classes in college right now. Just one step forward for you. Any volunteer work as well could definitly help your chances of becoming a Firefighter. Good luck Matt.
yes you can be an emt with color blindness. i am red green color blind and i am also an emt in the state of Ohio. you shouldn't have a problem with it. you learn to overcome it .

Why did you type your reply in blue?
Do you guys know of any EMTs or Firefighters that are color blind but still got the job?
I never seen color-blindness as a DQ for EMT-B and seems the question has been answered for that. I do know of at least one color-blind FF/EMT who was hired on our dept and has no issues doing the job.

Another question I have is how does it work if you wear contacts/glasses. I've heard that you can get your mask with your eye perscription in it? Is it safe to wear contacts when running into a fire?
There is a spectacle kit which can be mounted into a person's SCBA and there are also glasses which can be worn that won't interefere with a facepiece seal. Contacts can be worn with an SCBA facepiece on and I will wear contacts when I'm at work instead or having a spectacle kit. However, it is never safe to run into a fire, despite what you wear.

Should I take some Fire Science classes at the local community college? Should I just hang around, workout, gain experience as an EMT then apply as to be a firefighter when I'm 21?
Start taking as much education as you can get. Many departments now are looking for education and a degree. Many FF coming on today tend to have at least an associates in fire science as well as their FF certs. In today's world everyone pretty much has EMT, it no longer is a stand out cert, get the fire service education in conjunction with EMT, if you don't land a job after a degree, then look to get paramedic.

Will I be able to recieve the firefighter training from the department if I make the cut?
If you make the cut for a dept not requiring any type of education or certification, you will receive that FF training. Every FF has to be certified before being utilized as a FF and if a dept does not require certifications, they have to train you and you still have to get those certifications in order to work.
What are you talking about blue, I see orange!
Thank you very much.

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