Either we have a lot of members who have been reading without posting or the discussions have almost ground to a halt.
There's plenty to discuss. Click on the News tab and you'll see.
Cities laying off firefighters, closing stations.
Feds are considering cutting federal grant programs that will affect both career and volunteer fire departments.
People are still driving rigs too fast and rolling them.
Seatbelts are still being treated as optional.
Money of fire departments are being stolen or misspent.
Firefighters are setting fires.
Heart attacks, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, firefighters getting struck at MVAs, firefighters fighting cops, New Haven firefighters won their case, Tommy's drinking again on 'Rescue Me'.
And there isn't anything to discuss?

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So right Chief. rather then what color of helmet you like or what it says, what type of engine do you like, where do I get my lights and sirens for my POV, and the usual dribble. Much to discuss and much to add. Thanks for the gentle reminder of why we are here. To learn, educate and share.
What is like to be a women in the firefighter world, or here's one thats not avout firemen stuff what is doing on here..
spelling and gramma
How about lights on POV's? I'll start one shortly....

We haven't finished bashing out the "symbol or image for firefighting" debate- that was a fun one!
Color of my helmet: Yellow and if I have any say in it, it will remain that color.
Why I haven't been posting: Work, honey do list, filling in at the station when I could, then there is sleep which is over rated, oh yeah lets not forget to eat and take care of the other necessities of life as well.

As for the above, well I read it everyday, just don't have the time to reply to every discussion. Perhaps if the discussions were broken down by subject, I might be able to post in one or two of them.
To be honest, when I first stopped over here and joined FFN this site was "hot" with great discussions. But like Art mentioned on this thread where have they all gone? Now the site is nothing more than what was first developed by that big fire magazine less the disrespect and bitching. But plenty of new firefighter questions, whacker lights, sirens, pov's, colors of helmets, nicknames for your apparatus -WTF? or the usual explorer this or that.

Looking to surf more elsewhere and have been at a good site without ANY of the above: www.iacoj.com
I am on the board there.
I went there after I became disillusioned with a different website.
I don't go as frequently as I used to, but if you want good, respectful discussion, it's pretty tough to beat.
Looks of good jakes there.
Tried to get them to come here.
They do for a while, but when the good stuff loses out to the crap, they go back to the jake site.
I agree with John - I think the summer days are coming to an end and everyone is trying to squeeze in vaca's and whatever they can before school starts. My business takes a nose dive about this time of year and I can only attribute it to that.

But you're right, there is still plenty to discuss.

F.D. Web Design

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