If you could get whatever truck you wanted at your station what would it be?

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this is a fire TRUCK:

this is a fire ENGINE

I would also have to say a pierce!
Very nice!
Everyone seems to want a Pierce!
Sutphen Bucket Truck, we got a brand new stick from Sutphen but I love bucket trucks.
any trucks a good truck as long as it gets you to the fire and back.
who other then Suckphen (Sutphen) makes a 110 mid-mount platform?
engines carry the water and hose, trucks carry the ladders. everybody knows that.
E-One100 foot aerial
Awesome looking truck!
Pierce Velocity
100' midmount
1500gpm waterous pump
4 man cab w/ EMS cabinet in the rear
rollup doors
10kw generator
500hp engine
The town I grew up in had all Crown Firecoaches. I know they are no longer in business but if they were I would like to have my most favorite the snorkel. All the ones they had were the rounded cabs which I really like.

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