Ok the story goes like this...We had a trailer fire Monday morning the 15Th at 4:30, well on the way there was reports of trapped animals. We had a crew go in on the back door and right when the walked in there were dead animals in the door way. When they went in a little more one of our female FF's spotted a dog on the floor still moving. She picked it up and it was still breathing, so she came out and put a nonrebreather on it and later it started breathing on it's own. Well come to find out the reason they had so many animals in the house and outside was that they were all rescued in some way and they were keeping them. They all were also under adoption and with a few FF's attached to the dog already the Chief brought it up at our Tuesday meeting to take votes on possibly adopting the 6 month old dog from the family. So everybody agreed to adopt the one we saved and take care of it, but it's at our local vet and its pretty much in the ICU. It is in stable condition and should recover. So we are pretty much waiting on the doc to release it and then we can adopt. and there's another but... It doesn't have a name...we would like to keep the name within the fire service, so if any of you have suggestions please tell. Thanks
We got an update from the doc and hes doing better and should be able to be adopted Saturday the 20Th......

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I think Tanker is a cool name..... :-)
Large breed of dog: Tank (as in tanker)
Dominant personality: Chief or Red
Small breed: Spec
Small breed in volunteer dept: Vollie
Very active: Sparky or Flash (as in flashover)
Dark coat: Smoky
Different-colored coat on feet: Boots
Female: Aerial
Always in trouble: Hazmat
For combination dept.: Combi
Rescued by truck company: Truckie
Acts like he owns the place: Badge
Alive and well: Lucky
Sparky for boy
Female- aerial
Sounds like you might want to consider "Lucky"!

I had a neighbor once that had 2 American Pit Bulldogs(the Patton dog), and their names were "Lugnut" and "Crowbar". I always thought that "Crowbar" would be a good name for a Firehouse dog!

sparkie. its always been the classic firehouse dog name. Lucky cuz the dog's lucky to be alive. or smokey, cuz the dog inhaled so much smoke.

Hal or Halli (for halligan)

i like smokey, being an employee of the forest service and all
Call the dog "Newspaper". If he gets out, when you go outside the station and call the dog, the neighbors will think you've completely lost it.
somethign catchy so if you have to holler for it outside will make all the ppl wonder what is going on. like FIRE!!!
awww such a touching story
im loving the names hazmat and Aerial
good luck!
thank yall so much
Male: Jaws, Pulaski, Adze, Storz, Mack or Pierce.
Female: Ember, Candi (like candidate).
Either: Mattydale, Probie.
I'll post more if I think of any.
I think Asher would be pretty cool... IDK Tanker is cool too

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