I live in Missouri, since this incident, Mo has past a state wide law that any fire/ems unit can block park or subdue a road highway interstate to block traffic within reason to protect theirselves and the victims and patients to which they are responding. We have a problem on the interstate when landing our helicopters, troopers donot like to shut the interstate down and forbid the fire department from doing so, So we just hover and refuse to land. Were as now with the law in place we out rankem for a few minutes. Everyone goes home safe and the traffic stopped gets some cool pictures.
Of course the cop was out of line arrestin the FF. What good did it accomplish? What was his goal in getting the engine to move? To clear up traffic? clearly he created a larger and more dangerous incident through his actions.
However the captain may not have been free of fault. We cannont hear what was said, and its possible differnt actions by either party could have setteled the dispute without resorting to arrests.
Also, whats up with the officer jumping off the rig before it stopped without PPE? A reckless action like that could indicate a careless attitude from the officer. That being said, its pretty hard to defend the cops actions.