As I am sure with most small departments we all deal with this issue. There are undoubtedly clicks within your company. Has a firefighter gone through all the steps with you and as you achieved your goals he slowly fell off due to the fact that he started a family. Now he's back as a figure of authority and is going in a totally different direction than he was before and is now holding the company back. How do you deal with such block headed ignorance?

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Have no idea luckly have not run into that yet. Sorry you are having that issue .
How did this person get into a authority role in the department if he "dropped off" I have family issues all the time and two young kiddies to manage as well as the fd. I still have no awnsers but the authoity thing bugs me for some reason??
In the past couple of years we have had a changing of the guard so to speak and he volunteered to fill the vacant space of president and has definitely done some damage since he is in office.
do you have elections? Sounds like you might need another change of gaurd. The cheif should run the dept. and the president sould run the business!
I agree with you unfortunately the situation is a little sticky due to the personal agenda's and clicks.
Yes, we don't have any one with authority causing problems but we have a husband/wife combo that thinks they should run everything. Me or another officer will ask them to do something and the response is "you ain't my boss" but due to family reasons we cant do anything.
I can relate to that and have dealt with it several times, mostly with no good results. Personality is a nearly impossible thing to deal with and that is what it boils down to. Because of the hesitents of the City Attorney to follow up on the complaints and issues this person caused or was directly involved in. This person is still working for the Department but has been pretty much given a semi+important job that kept him out of the day to day intereactions.
I agree.....
I would suggest just using the political system of your dept. Go to the board w/your problem and tell them how you feel and facts to back up how you feel. If you don't get anywhere with the board go to the body. When it comes to elections, remind the body to vote for the good of the organization. I also feel that officers need to take leadership training prior to being elected and voted into office. These are just my opinions.
My father was a captain, soon elect chief, given his family situation at the time, he declined, I wish more would take the job a little more seriously, rather than make it a clicky social standard.


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