this guy is still allowed to repond to medical calls and training exercises? WTF?

VAN BUREN, Ark. --

The District 6 Fire Department chief will remain on suspension over the next six months while the board further evaluate allegations of misconduct.

The board meeting brought out raw emotion from many with the volunteer fire department, which services Crawford County. Several firefighters say the suspended chief has a history of verbally and physically abusing colleagues.

James Sullivent Jr. was recently arrested and charged with terroristic threatening, after police say he got into an altercation with is wife.

Sullivent's colleagues say his aggressive behavior has been a common occurrence at the department for decades.

"There's a lot going on here at District 6 unfortunately," said firefighter David Volleberg. "It's been happening for 20 years."

Volleberg said the Chief��s son, James Sullivent III, recently hit him in the chest with a waterline while battling a structure fire. Volleberg said when he told the chief about the incident he was verbally assaulted.

"Everybody is getting tired of being pushed around," Volleberg said.

Volleberg's wife, Tina, also works for the volunteer fire department and said she has been victimized by the chief.

"I've had some pornographic material (placed) in my locker," Tina Volleberg said "I've had sexual text messages sent from the chief to my phone."

The Volleberg's allegations and several others, including allegations that the chief engaged in physical fights while responding to fires have some board members concerned.

"I'd never thought I'd have to deal with the problem of grown men rolling on the ground in rubber suits and boots," said board member Rick Ellison.

The board's decision to further their evaluate their options in regard to Sullivent's employment at the department has some firefighters threatening a boycott. All Volleberg wants is closure.

"The board, the chief and the assistant chief is presenting that from happening," Volleberg said.

The Volleberg��s said they each have filed police reports related to incidents involving the chief. The couple said they plan to meet with the Crawford County prosecutor next week.

The boards members include Sullivent's father James Sullivent Sr.

The board said during the chiefs suspension he will not be able to be on the scene of fires, but will be able to respond to medical calls and conduct firefighting training.

Copyright 2009

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He should be on suspension at least until the whole truth is known. Sounds like he should be in jail. Sad.
WOW This just makes me mad... He needs to be sitting in jail for this not responding to emergencies... He could hurt someone being careless...
Ahhhh, small town departments where the entire family is involved at every level. Brings back memories of 7 hour commissioner meetings. He should be suspended, and an outside agency or another department should conduct the investigation. But it won't happen that way. The family runs the dept and won't let go.
WTF??? is right. He should be in jail. I would never dream of treating my people like that. Sounds like he needs to go back to elementary school and learn what manners are.
I am a small town vollie as some of you know. Sounds to me like they need to terminate his employment upon guilty verdict. For time being full suspension without being allowed anywhere near a fire scene, medical emergency, or the station. That is my 2 cents worth take it as you may. TCSS and buckle up.
gotta love small town politics lol
Sounds like this dude should be in jail.
Dang !! I agree w/ JIm !! If this is going on for 20 yrs , what the hell have you all beeen doing !! REElecting this butt head in !! Dang NOT ME, I would have ran against him and yes he should be in jail. As far as a suspension NOOOO , just termanate his posistion for now Make your asst. do his job . then in the that time period do an election . You have to do what your sops and sogs say . Or does the board run the DEPT.? Okay sorry did not see the father was on board , SORRY dad your son is a jack a*** and IS going to jail ,say good bye .....
This will bring to light the fact that volunteer fire department's need to be run like a paid department or private business. When the smoke settles from this investigation, the fact of the matter is it sounds like a "hostile work environment" which are the key words for LAWSUIT.

Any form of harrassment; verbal, sexual and/or physical harrassment or violence is not tolerated by the law these days. Volunteers are employees covered under the laws.

Boards, commissioners, trustees, for the most part have no clue how to run an organization which needs to follow said state and federal laws. Usually the good ole boy club who feels they know whats best for the department.

This lawsuit alone will cost the town lots of dollars to wake up and re-align themselves with a more professionally run department. Here a tip, pay for a consultant to come in and evaluate the organization and make reccommendations for how to proceed after the law enforcement investigation has been completed.

Pay upfront or pay someone else later.... $$$$$. Unfortunately they will probably pay on both ends now...
Once again, there are a few poorly behaved individuals who are making all of us look like incompetent, uneducated, undisciplined children. Shame on the small town, one family monopoly mentality that will allow this miscreant to continue to terrorize not only his wife but the community he pretends to serve. He is a danger to the members of the department because they cannot trust him to behave in an adult fashion and to the community because a department divided is a life and safety risk to all.
Allowing him to respond to medical calls and conduct training still allows him a position of power and that is all a bully needs to feel vindicated. Rest assured, this is not punishment to him because he is still allowed to be involved with the department.
Can you say OUT OF CONTROL!? This guy should, for starters, be tossed out on his ear! I'm really surprised there are any members left, when having to deal with treatment like this in a VOLUNTEER company. Unreal! Who voted this guy in as chief? He must have had a history of this type of behavior prior..

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