well i just got back from my doctor yeaterday and she thinks i have kidney stones... i am in severe pain but the closest i can get into a urologist is march 24th!! does anyone have any tips to help with the pain? I have training thursday and i really cant miss it... I dont know what my doctor wants me to do to put up with this for the next month!!


update 2/25/09
(Just went and got an ultrasound, i have what basically is sand in my ovaries, so there very very small stones but all my pain is from the huge ovarian cyst that i have that is about to pop... so im jiust great by now...)

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Hey Jessica,

Because of the posts of our brothers and sisters. You have a lot of friends here now. Sharing their experiences when the time our spirit our willing but our body is not. Some unfortunate they cannot go back to service as before. But most are blessed that they have been given a second chance to serve.

Don't stop reading, don't stop listening and don't stop praying. Especially at this time of need, even though we are physically separated by locations (not to mentioned the other side of the pond). We are here behind you sister.

On the lighter side, while recuperating and lots of internet time. You might even overtake Caleb French Top 1 FFN spot LOL.

Keep us posted Jess. TCSS mike
glad you have the problem taken care of,,,i have suffered with kidney stones for about 50 yrs...so know what you are going thru..good luck in the future
Not trying to be a topper but I had them 9 times...yes NINE in a 9 year period. First 3 time ended up in the emergency room and had a procedure done. The only time they didn't remove them was when I was in Norfolk and the hospital sucked. I ended up passing it and (TMI time) was amazed that something that size could come out of the something...that size. It was a little thiner then a pencil and about 1/4 inch long.
Funny thing is I haven't any for the last 10 years.
well i don't know the extent of kidney stones my b/f has them and he pass one while he was here the one day it was a pea size one, but i had gall stones and there now fun either, i had them removed in Aug. 2008 but it took them 3 months before i could have the surgery done that's no fun either. if you don't like straight cranberry juice try cranberry raspberry or cran. grape, i stick to the raspberry though. gall stones are somewhat the same another way to calm them down is if you can get into a hot tub or a bath that has jets and let the jets hit the area where it is bothering you it will break up the stone a bit and make it easier to pass, hope that helps if you want to know more just let me know, if you drink coffee or tea's try to cut them out as well because you can get stones form that.
ok you win the golden kidney stone award for that one.... ouch... did you like change your diet or something?
im just so glad the pain is going down... its miserable waiting though and i tried cran white grape or something like that and its drinkable lol. i just consider it medicine... my grandma always said if medicine tastes good its not good medicine so ill listen i guess

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