Whats the best trunouts and why do yo like them. Whats the good points and whats the bad points

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We've been Globe for years.We're currently Beta testing a couple pair of Mp and a set of Bristol. I've got the Bristol,it's like wearing a set of broken in Carhartt's.We'll see how it wears.
Our Department is looking to replace a number of our member's turnout gear, some of which was manufactured as early as 1979 and 1982. We have been replacing gear with Quaker gear in the past few year due to the price and local distributer primarily. I myself have not been issued any of the Quaker stuff yet, and going by the feel of trying them on the look of them on others and comments by some of the guys, I dont want any! Very bulky and not very egronomic. I have had prior expeirience with Secruitex and Janesville. Personally, I am not too impressed with the Janesville Gear which we have at my full time job (Janesville, Commando). I absolutly loved my old securitx gear I had in the past, super lightweight, ergonmics were unbelievable too. The only downside I found with the Securtex was the reflective trim would pull and seperate, but it was 15 years old or so.

What are some of the opinions on turnout gear? Looking for something that is egronomic, lightweight and dependable.
Thanks for the feedback
I would tend to think all have thier advantages and dis advantages. As long as its worn properly and taken care of it should be good. a side note, I am not sure if all new turnouts have the DRD but if not I wouldn't buy it. the DRD is a plus if you need to be rescued.
I like what I see from Globe as well Caleb
The DRD is required by NFPA. If the gear you are looking at does not have it, then you are not buying gear that is NFPA compliant. Ensure the gear you are purchasing is compliant to the CURRENT NFPA standards.
Just joined and gto issued Chieftan. It has drd and is realitively comfortable. Not seen anyone else talking about this brand so was wondering how are they any way? Surely some of you "Vets" out there have had em at one time or another. We are a small VOL dept so money is an issue.
Paul's already stated the best answer. However to go on We have used Securitex Turnouts for almost 18 years. The performance of the gear has been very good. We recently purchased some Globe turnouts and I like them so far. Since we use only Black gear I would have proffered to order the Securitex as they hold their Black color very well. Of course now Securitex is sold under a different name. Main thing is to purchase the gear from a reputable sales company near you who will stand behind the product and be there tomorrow should you need any help or to take care of any issues that may arise. There are cheap of the shelf products out there. You WILL get what you pay for. So take the time to try different gear in actual training situations and order gear to specifically fit your firefighters when possible. Pit the suppliers against each other as well to get the best possible price. Dont just accept the list price. They can do much better then that.
I've worn Morning Pride, Globe and Janesville. We are currently wearing Fire Dex and like it. What impressed us is thier service.
Hey guys I had talked about the MP earlier but I am coming back now to say it sucks I went to a live burn yesterday and on my first burn in the house the instructor said that he was going to go ahead and start with the big burns which we do after we do a couple of smaller burns for the new guys and to just get the paint off of the walls well I went in and the whole room was lit up and it wasnt even really that hot but all of a sudden I look as I was coming out of the house and my gear is ruined it was yellow now it is grey the reflective striping is melted off and bubbled this gear is trash everything else on me was fine my pant were lion apperal and they were fine my helmet melted a little but my brand new coat is trash so if you can help it dont buy MP
globe xtreme is what my whole dept use its the best ive had to wear
Securatex . Have used their turnouts for about 12 years. Since we use Black turnouts I have found that theirs hold up really well and they are very comfortable. Bottom line is you want turnouts that are fully functional and ultimately protect your crew to the level they are rated. We got a grant two years ago and bought Globe GXtreem for the guys. They have loved them.
Globe is my turnout of choice. In my short time I have used both Globe and Morning Pride and feel the Globe gear is better. The MP gear I used was a little older though. We just got new Globe turnouts through a grant and they are great.

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