Drum Major John Coleman of the Cleveland Firefighters Memorial Pipes and Drums band has quit the group following his initial suspension from the band for six months after a nod and wave at President Barack Obama during last week's inaugural parade.

Coleman's resignation from the band, first reported by the Plain Dealer earlier today, comes after becoming the center of a nationwide firestorm on whether the initial suspension was appropriate -- or over the top.

"There are too many bridges burned with the pipe band, too many hurt feelings on both sides," Coleman told the Plain Dealer, fire inspector for Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Here's a story from CNN.com about the original suspension, including an interview with the man at the center of it all (well, not Obama but...)

What are your thoughts on this? Should he have been suspended for breaking 'military parade protocol'? Should he have quit (granted, the press was substantial -- but the outcry was mostly over him being suspended)? What would you have done if marching by the newly minted President?

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what an idiotic waste of time and effort to punish a great fire man and member of the corp= we''re all human and communication is part of being human. kudos and hats off to you mr drum major! you did no wrong- don't let their pettiness get you down!!
What John Coleman Drum Major has done is get international media coverage for His Fire Dept's Pipe Band from Cleveland Heights Ohio. How good is that. Didn't know who they were before this along with the rest of the world.
It's a sad world that we live in at this present time.... and I for one am very proud of John Coleman.

How much stress has been bestowed on this man... just so a few Power heads get to throw their weight around again.

Here in Australia the media would not even take it up as its yesterdays news.

Sometimes the best form of action is no action at all? it never draws a reaction or comment.

When we as Brothers throw on the jacket and boots and ride the pump... the first person we usually come across is having the worst day of their life...What do we do... as professionals we bring back normality as that is what we do best... comfort those in need and return to the station.

So why are we bagging one of our own.... 17 years in the job hasn't he been through and seen enough carnage and death and distruction to warrant better treatment.
Just my thought
Cheers from DownUnder
I am a former drum & bugle corp member who amoung other things served as a Drum Major. So he wave. You just made him standout with not only the public, but with the President on his special day. Its bad enough that the oath of office was unforgetable but now this.
Bill Panasiti
Give this guy a break. I would have probably done the same thing. How could you not salute the president.
The Cleveland Firefighters Band is comprised of members and civilians from the Greater Cleveland area. He works for the Cleveland Heights Fire Department. Not that this really matters. You are right, they are getting free publicity. But, not good press. This is a group of very dedicated pipers and drummers. They come to funerals and events all over the state.
This is ridiculous I don't give a s*** weather or not he broke military protocols or not as a human he has the right to make a friendly gesture to the president of the United states. and if Anyone thinks otherwise all I have to say is you do not deserve the right, or the privilege to being called an American.
I completely agree with all of you. I think this entire thing has gotten blown way out of proportion.
I would do the same thing if the President of the FREE country acknowledged me!
Absolutely Ridiculous!
Well if the band insists on military protocol, they had better go back to school and learn about it. Mr Coleman is a uniformed firefighter and was a uniformed commander of the band. As such, he has a duty and responsability, just as any military unit commander would, to make eye contact with and aknowledge the U.S. Commander in Chief. Had he ignored the President, then he should have been suspended. Had this been a group of uniformed firefighters marching, as they passed the president, the order would have been called out "Eyes Left" and all members would have turned to make eye contack with the president & the unit's commander would have saluted. They need to go to a military base and watch a real military parade to see how it is done.
Protocol is Protocol. However how did it truly break anything. Professional, Proud, and respectful. I feel it was nothing over the top. nothing to call attention to himself. Was just a jester returned to the most powerful man in our country. If President Obama has no issues with the event. Why should it be an issue period. I did notice that reports do not say who gave him the suspension. Could it be the person responsible for the suspension is looking to get publicity. Its a shame but i have to say someone has it out for Mr. Coleman. Good job for not backing down and standing up for whats right to him.
Frank has hit it on the head. The man just made history who wouldn't look at the new commander and chief. I wounldn't ignored him not one bit, good for him. And if it means getting kick off the corp. then so be it.

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