Had a fully involved stucture fire at 3 am new years day. Once one scene noticed that both entrances were blocked by a live powerline. How would you handle the situation?

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Yes one line blocked both entrances you would have to know the area. we went with the surround and drown method.
That was the safest choice with the surround and drowned I would have waited for the power company also no use getting some one hurt.
Looks like we all have the same answer. Surround and drown.

From the detail given, forget this one it's gone, and there could be no life inside. Exposure protection, though even that might be hard depending on where the lines are compared to the exposures. You ddidn't tell us much; was it a free-standing structure, how much space between buildings? If not free-standing, was it in the middle of the row or at an end? Nature/construction of exposures?
Had a strip mall go to a 2nd. Fire broke out in the main electrical panel and no offensive FF operation were taken until the power company got there and secured the power to the complex. There was no civilians in the bldg. If you let it burn, you did right.
As long as there is no life hazard in the structure, why create one with your FF's. Hope your utility co. will expedite. Protect exposures, keep your people safe.
Yes, you could do this. But can anybody guarantee that the pole is dry and safe? If I was asked to do it I'd be saying "how about you do it?" How about the step-potential - how can you guarantee safety? I'll go into a burning building, with it's known and unknown dangers but I won't mess with downed powerlines. Our SOP's don't allow me to even try, let alone my training. We have three electricians in our membership, if one of them wants to try it, I'll watch. Can't see that happening either.
All personnell stay on the street, away from the house until the powere is turned off. MAYBE use a couple deck guns, but even that might be a little sketchy. Water is one helluva conductor. As Tony said, my training tells me to stay the F away from downed lines. If there is no immediate danger to life, then no need to risk any.
Behold the new invention they call windows. You can't tell me the doors and every window in the house is blocked by power lines. In this situation lobbing water through a window would be the only alternative until the power company shut down the line to the home. I would NOT send ANYONE into a house thats fully involved. Go watch the "flashover what were they thinking video." (located on the forum thread) Thats the experience you would get for going into a fully involved fire. Deck guns on ground monitors are the only way to go.
life safety comes first, then property protection. contact power company protect other buildings from fire. if no life is indanger then dont risk your own or anyone eleses.
Risk nothing to save nothing. Protect exposures untill power company cuts the power and keep all personel on scene away from the wire.
Fully involved would be a looser. With the energized power lines its not safe to get near them with water anyhow. Put water where you can until the power is shut off. Protect exposures.
Good question? No one inside, already fully involved, so it's pretty much a loss. Are the wires on the ground....ground energized? I would develope a safe zone for all incoming units and notify staff where they can work from. Evacuate civilians and protect exsposures until utilities are varied and confirmed off.

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