One of my departments recently got those cage style lockers. We always had hooks before. What do you all prefer?

I like the easy access of the hooks.
Lockers are nice because the provide security and the way they are set up, gear dries out a lot faster. The doors tend to get in the way a bit though.

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We use simple hooks, which work well enough. We will (when we raise the money) be fitting a framework for each member, with multiple hooks and 'clothes hanger' sections. I've used that sort in the past and think they're great.
Well the lockers are alright, they're set up with a wide clothes hanger thing that holds your jacket open to dry. Great for drying, pain in the ass to get off in a hurry.

On the plus side, they're a good size to stick a junior in. haha. (kidding, I swear.)
All depends on where they are located. If they are anywhere near your bays, hooks are the worst thing you could have. The exhaust from the trucks is going to really contaminate your gear. The lockers will help to minimize this. Lockers also help to organize and make sure that you don't lose items that may get picked up by someone who thinks it is theirs. The amount of stuff in my locker would never work on hooks. Extra gloves, extra hoods, extra socks, etc.
We got the cage style a few months back...actually got a great deal....we only had to pay for the raw material and the State Correctional Facility nearby had the Inmates build them during their welding classes...even did the grinding, primong, and painting...they look great...every bit as nice as the "store bought" variety and one hell of a lot cheaper....3 to a section and I think about $ 135.00 a section....2 feet wide, 54 inches tall, 2 feet deep with a shelf across the top......Paul
Even if they purchased an open cage locker, it is suggested per standards, that they are not supposed to be placed in or near the bays, unless you have a complete vehicle exhaust system that can't cross contaminate your PPE.
wow thats cool Paul one way to get stuff done and keep people from doing things they shouldn't, here in arkansas they were letting inmates put our state loaned brush trucks together which they did a real nice job.
I think this depends a lot on how much space you have available v/ number of people

Can see advantages to both,,and we use hooks in my dept
i think the lockers are the way to go. my old department that i was on in IL we didn't ahve lockers. are gear was in a a box truck we had are own compartments poarts it was just a pain in the ass when a fire or something was going on. trying to get your gear was almost impossible. so i always had my gear with me. that was the first fire department that ever had the gear on a truck on not inthe station.
yeah, we have a full exhaust system in our house. so the lockers are right next to the apparatus. Someone did make the good point though that this might facilitate the use of using different bags for different calls. (an extrication bag, a cold weather bag, etc.)
I'd take lockers over pegs any day of the week!
Good to have both the good and bad of different systems mentioned. With our wall pegs it's very quick and easy to grab your coat and helmet, either the structure or wildfire, but the the pegs are all around the engine bay so yes, get the exhaust fumes contamination. Around the engine bay also means there's a safety issue when a pumper starts moving.

Our plan is to build a changing room with the PPE on hanging frames. This will be off the engine bay. I would have thought that PPE can dry better if hanging in the open, not in lockers, as there's more air movement, but others here think differently?
Well mine dries better because they're cage style lockers so they let air flow through. Also, they have a set up where your coat hangs open and there's a hook to hang your suspenders to so that your pants dry out.

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