Has anyone started using these yet? They are not required yet in our area, but coming soon. We are trying to get set up and hope to be using the system before it is mandatory.

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As I learn more about it, I let everyone know. This is a move away from paper waste, so it will be mandatory sometime soon. I figure it will be similar to NFIRS.
We are now using the PreMIS system for electronic run sheets. Everyone seems to like it so far, it takes a little longer filling out until you have done a few. The program is web based, we installed a laptop in the squad with cellular internet and a mobile printer, and are up and running. The software is intuitive, and will only ask for information pertinent to the chief complaint and response information you provide on the first page and even prepares the narrative for you.
We don't use them.
I think some of the Departments in my area are using them but we are not.

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