I am very interested in becoming a firefighter, theres only one catchm maybe 2. I have glaucoma and I have a misdemeanor of possession of cannabis less than 2.5 grams on my record that i got back in 2002. I know there will be a physical which will include an eye test, my question is will this keep me from becoming a firefighter? My vision in that eye isnot completely blind but I rely on my good eye.

Thanks Guys

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Anyone? It's ok if this is a taboo topic, I thought I would ask and maybe someone would know something. Hopefully somebody has some kinda info for me.
The only thing our department asks for are felonies. Cannabis, well, I think we would over look that. I know a couple of the people on our dept. are stoners from way back. Anyway, the glaucoma, I don't think it would affect anything on a vollie department.
The thing about the bad eye that you have to take into consideration is how will it affect your safety and the safety of your fellow firefighters. But I'm sure that if you are volunteering that they could use the help in any way that you can without affecting everyone's safety. Hope everything works out for you.

In CA some doctors prescribe cannabis for glaucoma. Doubt that is the case with you since you didn't mention it. With two strikes against you, one from nature and the other from a bad choice your chances of becoming a FF are slim to none IMHO. My VFD wouldn't have you with any drug offense, with a medical condition we might have you for support of some kind. Good luck. TCSS

I know a hockey fan who would agree with me too.
I would think that wearing a positvie pressure SCBA with Glaucoma could be a problem.
From NFPA 1582
6.2 Medical Conditions Affecting Ability to Safely Perform Essential Job Tasks.
6.2.1 Medical conditions that can affect a candidate’s ability to safely perform essential
job tasks shall be designated either Category A or Category B.
6.2.2 Candidates with Category A medical conditions shall not be certified as meeting the
medical requirements of this standard.
6.2.3 Candidates with Category B medical conditions shall be certified as meeting the
medical requirements of this standard only if they can perform the essential job tasks
without posing a significant safety and health risk to themselves, members, or civilians.
6.4 Eyes and Vision.
6.4.1 CategoryA medical conditions shall include the following:
(1)*Far visual acuity. Far visual acuity less than 20/40 binocular, corrected with
contact lenses or spectacles. Far visual acuity less than 20/100 binocular for
wearers of hard contacts or spectacles, uncorrected.
(2)*Color perception. Monochromatic vision resulting in inability to use imaging
(3)*Monocular vision.
(4) Any eye condition that results in a person not being able to safely perform
essential job tasks.
6.4.2 Category B medical conditions shall include the following:
(1)*Diseases of the eye such as retinal detachment, progressive retinopathy, or
optic neuritis
(2)*Ophthalmological procedures such as radial keratotomy, Lasik procedure, or
repair of retinal detachment
(3) Peripheral vision in the horizontal meridian of less than 110 degrees in the
better eye or any condition that significantly affects peripheral vision in both eyes
This would pose a problem. If Brandon was allowed to join it would be on a volly department and on a outside support based role. I think getting hired by a paid department is hard enough, nevermind with a major handicap like glaucoma
haha I heard about that hockey fan guy, not a fan of his at all. and it looks as if I would fall into category B because my sight is corrected to 20/20 with glasses (so my eye doctor says)

So I guess I should be all good??
Go for it man! Go talk to your local FD's see what they say man. If it's something you really want to do then don't let anything stand in your way. My situation was way worse, I had a felony that I just had expunged and according to the Chicago FD I'm good to go if I want to persue it. Besides I am positive that someone makes perscription sheilds for a helmet. But def. go talk to some local FD's and see what's up.
Go for it. There are plenty of things to do at a fire, not just running into it.
My best advice is to ask. If you are looking at a career FD, ask about their requirements first. It would suck to get all the way thru to the pre-employment physical only to be DQ'd then.

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