We finished up with 14,651. Some days i felt like I took every one!, LOL. Just curious to see what kind of numbers everybody got last year. We were up about 150-200 from last year.

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we ran 361 thats mostly medical calls
My small town volunteer unit was dispatched to 317 total calls, medical being the majority as usual. Our station was able to respond to 256 of them, I personally responded to 167 making me the top call runner of 2008.
We had 544 for the year of 2008.
653 combined.
we ran 155 calls last year. which is a good number for our dep. we cover 27.5 square miles.
we ran 175ems and 90 fire we are all volunteer with three station's
350 and thats fire/ems together. Plus another 75 ems calls on my Private EMS Dept.
my companies final call total for 2008 was 1,128
237 including Fire and EMS calls. 45 Members in a small town.
We were around 125. Fire and Medicals. We are a small volunteer dept.
We did 170 calls in 2008. Our total has been dropping for the past few years, I think we peaked at close to 300 for a year. In 2008, 84 were EMS calls, and we record by the incident, not the vehicle.
417 Fire, 2,006 EMT... Everything but Dec for fire and Oct-Dec for EMT

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