Hi all! Just trying to get a feel for what kind of equipment is still in service out there! We've got a 1956 Ward LaFrance that was purchased new by the Dept and is still in active service (although not commonly!). Believe it or not, it's a 750 GPM Pump and is more powerful than a lot of the newer stuff we've got! The newest in the fleet is a 2003 Marion 75' Aerial Ladder. We've got a couple older trucks that are being restored and are collectors, but nothing else that old on the active roster. Anyone else still have good old trucks?

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It's not the age of equipment it's the condition. On these older trucks they are far simpler and there is less to go wrong, particularly in the electronics. It may not have all the bells and whistles but if it works well and doesn't break down then no problem. I worked with a lot of people from the large paid department in the area, and they are always complaining about their new trucks. I mean 2004, 2005,2006 trucks. They are all saying they are junk, that the electronics go down, or the computers fry etc, etc. They want to go back to the Seagraves, and American La France trucks they had before, except without canopy cabs.
VERY TRUE. Our 1956 Ward LaFrace will outpump nearly any truck we put it up against. On the flip side, our 2003 Marion Aerial has a fully computerized Hale Pump. If the computer goes down on a fire, there is NO manual override- meaning no water.
our oldest truck is a 1975 ford 900 tanker with front mounted pump. and our newest is a 2008 international medtech ambulance
Well my deptartments oldest truck is a 79 Chevy 3500 4X4 Desiel that is our brush truck, we also have an 85 model Mack with rear faceing jump seats it is one of three forntline pumpers it has a 1000 gallon tank and a 1250 gpm pump. We also have a 97 model GMC Fearrea with a 1000 gallon tank and a 1250 gpm pump. We have a 2006 American LaFrance 4 door pumper with a 1000 gallon tank and a 1500 gpm pump.
The oldest piece of equipment we have is an original model-T fire truck, obviously its not in service but its cool. I just recently had one of my officers explain to me the process of how these old water tanks got enough pressure to pump water. Sure made me have alot more respect for the guys that were FF's back then. Anyway... our oldest in service truck is our 2nd engine, Its an old 1000 gallon pumper that sits on something like an 83 or 84 GMC chassis. Our 4500 gallon tanker is something like 15 years old and lets you know its age when you try and make that monster diesel engine turn over. Besides those, everything else is pretty new. 2001 KME pumper, 2500 gallon tanker on a 2001 GMC chassis, 2008 Freightliner Rescue, 2008 Ford Explorer (chiefs' vehichle) and 2009 Ford Expedition for Command.

up until this year my FD had a a 1962 International pumper which my family bought from the firehouse. The fire dept. is Levels VFD in Levels WV
Not exactly what I would say still in service, but able to be put in service. We have a 1967 Mack CF 600. It still operates, but it has no hose left on it since we took it to put other pieces in service. But if needed, it still pumps like a dream and holds 1000 gallons of water. At idle it will give you about 110 psi in pressure mode. Of course there are only about 5 of us that can drive the rig due to the gears.

Still in service we have a pair of 1968 Pirsch engines, a 1978 American LaFrance engine, a 1981 3D Fire Apparatus engine, and a 1984 Pierce engine.
Our oldest engine we had was a 1935 Dodge Brothers, built by Boyer. It was sold to a collector in LA. Now the oldest is the snorkel it's a 1977 Hendrickson Snorkel (bought from Vincennes Indiana for $1. Certified this week!!!), Our Rescue is an 82 Ford f350, then second out engine is an 85 Ford FMC our first out engine is a 1997 International Pierce, and our Newest is our heavy rescue/pumper 2004 International Ferrara.

Our dept.(Charlton Fire est. 1922, Charlton, NY) has the original gas powered fire truck that was purchased as it's first apparatus. It is a 1926 Graham. Although it is no longer used as a fire fighting pc. we still use for parades. Does anyone out there know of this vintage truck or of any other from that era that are still running ?
Here is our Engine. First out on all structure fires.

Engine 11 - 1979 Chevy American LaFrance
750 gallon water tank, 1,000gpm
Sadly, it's a shot in the dark if she'll pump water. But it's the best we got.

Our Rescue. First out on all auto accidents.

Rescue 11 - 1973 American LaFrance
750 gallon water tank, 1,000gpm of water

I was just out in our Rescue earlier today. She ain't got much giddy up, but she's more dependable than our engine.
Why don't you use that as an engine then???
Ford model A's were only built 1928 thru 1931.

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