Garden Apartment Fire-All Hands Working![](
You've got a Four (4) Story Wood Frame Garden Apartment Building Fire, with a working and progressing fire on the number four floor (C-D). The fire has extended into the truss loft of the roof and is traveling rapidly.
Its 08:30 hours on a Saturday morning. The building is occupied, with some residents self evacuating. There are no present reports of any civilians in distress (yet). You have a very good box alarm assignment consisting of; Four (4) Engine Companies, Two (2) Truck Companies, Two (2) Heavy Rescue Companies, Two (2) EMS ALS Ambulances, along with Two (2) Battalion Chiefs, A Shift Commander and a Safety Officer (Boy are you lucky today..). Staffing is 4 personnel on the Engine and Truck, 5 staffing on the Rescue, 2 on the EMS units. Additional alarms bring in a 3 and 2 assignment along with two additional chiefs per alarm. Additional Rescues on special call.
The Apartment complex was built circa 1982, wood frame, brick veneer facing, truss roof system w/ plywood decking and solid wood floor joists w/ plywood sub-flooring. Weather conditions do not contribute to any issues at this alarm.
You’re arrived and all hands are working on the first alarm assignment. You find the BC who has established command on the Alpha side, and begin a status report. Companies are transmitting and requesting immediate resources. There are some initial reports coming in on fire extending past the fire wall on the number 4 floor and dropping into other apartment units. There's fire reported on the number three floor (C-D). (see photo)
Describe your immediate needs; what do you need to know right away before assuming full command of this incident; what’s your Incident Action Plan (IAP) going to start looking like? Strategic and prompt Tactical assignments are crucial at this point, what are your orders? Any thoughts yet on safety and risk profiling and assessment?
You’ve got a lot of work to do and assignments to be made. All Hands are working…You’ve Assumed Command; now let’s get to work…..
More communications from interior operations as we progress….