Honestly guys its obvious that most all departments are different, while we are at it why dont we give explorers pinkradios, purple lights for pov's, and check them out of school to argue if paid or vollys are better. Ok sorry guys now I feel better. feel free to vent as well.

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Im from maine too. nice to see another maine-iac on here.
yessir it is ,what part of maine are you from ?
in my opinion, chief officers have white, line officers have red, interior firefighters get black, ext. get yellow, and explorers get orange. and yes limerick, you can buy purple lights, but in maine thats the color you see on a hurst during the motorcade to a cematary.
For those of you that dont know me, and I believe that there may be 2 people on here that actually do, I handle stress qyite well. I have seen my share of death and destruction. This post goes to show just how well people actualy read and react before thinking. If you read my post carefully, hopefully you will see the sarcasmn in it, if not then I am sorry, not sorry to you, but sorry for you. The fire service is a field in which you have to understand a situation almost without thinking about it, and in my opinion is that alot of you saw the post and imediatly went on the defensive. That is not a good thing. It is never a good thing to act on emotion alone, think before you post. It goes along with situational awareness.
oh thanks rob .. so how was origon? hey rob arnt you a capt. or something on action?
no, i left acton back in january, just an assistant training officer in shapliegh.
yeah, and there is a section in here for "venting", or however you want to call it. so next time you want to blow off some steam, doing it there might be a better idea, vrs. starting a new posting and leaving it open for anything. situational awareness would have been covered if everyone looked before starting something new, we are not here to reinvent the wheel, we just need to make it turn more easy.
"Actually I am a captain and training officer" - kenny goines

All that with only 2 years experience in the Fire Service? (according to your FFN profile)
Tell you what why don't you talk to Damon Dyer, before you actualy judge me he actualy knows me personaly. I have no problem with open criticism that is why I made this an open forum. If you feel the need to question me "experience" go ahead I am ok with that. My chief seems to think I do a great job , and he has over 20 years of "experience", to include several years as an airforce firefighter. But thank you for your concern!
oh ok
i agree 100% with you mr. dobsin
I believe this would be the correct catagory for venting!! If there is a better one, I have looked could not find one. I find it almost funny that everyone is so quick to jump on someones back just for stateing thier opinion on something.

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