Kurt Russel or John Travolta?

Backdraft has always been my favorite movie. Come on, who can forget when that movie first came out, All the "wackers" coming to movie theatre with there pagers one, knowing that they are out of their district, dragged the love ones to see it and they didn't want to. And who can not forget the famous line of the movie, "You go, We go!"


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hands down ladder 49 I like them both but prefer ladder 49
I enjoyed both. Backdraft was pobably based on a true story. I find the true firemen videos on YouTube more gutwrenching! Most arsenists are killers at heart and their motives are usually to cover up a killing or to cause one. However, film-makers do tend to make it more thrilling and exciting. Like Shadow said, to find who did it you have to find out the why they would do it. Kind of like, to catch a thief you have to think like a thief!
..SusanDianeMurphree..Marianna, AR
Do I really have to choose? I loved both of them. Backdraft was good but a bit sensational I thought or maybe not. I loved all the characters. Ladder 49 was great too. Can you imagine what the Chief was feeling when he had to call his guys out of that building leaving Jack inside? I've watched both movies many times, I own both on DVD. I still cry in certian scenes in both movies.
Besides, Russel and Travolta are equally great actors and 2 of my favorites. Now if Mel Gibson would be a fire fighter :)
ya backdraft was the best, i didn't like how ladder 49 flashed back
ladder 49 by far was the real deal. Real fire, real smoke, real action!!!!!!!!!!!!! I vote for ladder 49......
Without a doubt Ladder 49.
Well Both had awesome story lines but i feel Backdraft had more of the life of paid crew than 49 only in it was about the crew not one guys life through it, the scenery was more real and saw more of the city , but I did think the end scene with the chem fire was a bit over top especially no masks .
49 was a great story of a guys rise through from probie to veteran firefighter but the jump through his years was hard to follow what i mean is one minute he is single running first calls ..next he is married after a date then boom one kid next has 2 kids next thing you know he is being offered a assistant position ..whoa where was the i for all that..lol..i didn't like the seperating in either movie irl with us if you leave to search spot your partner better be your new best shadow...to the point you turn around and he is in your face... and for either movie 49 more so where was all our high tech tools like a TIC??? otherwise I watch either about 5 times aevery few months love them.

Now we need one about Vollies wink
Backdraft was very cool hollywood but very bad firefighters. It showed that firefighters are human but I hate to see a firefighter that lights fires. It was none the less entertaining. Ladder 49 showed the heart of a firefighter, the deep emotional drain on a firefighter over time and the worst situation the loss of a brother. It was much more realistic and showed the public who firefighters are. It was very entertaining despite not having some of the backdraft tv soap opera stuff. I vote for LAdder 49
Ladder 49 for me:)
Ladder 49 alot better. I like Kurt Russel better than John but I definately liked ladder 49 much better.
Its a toss up for me I like them both equally but as for one over the other it would be Ladder 49

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