For most of us, nutrition is that class we slept through in school, rather than a vital component of our ability to perform on the job. This group and its forums will seek to discover and share the truth about what we really eed to properly fuel our cells for optimal performance. This will include discussions about ingredients, additives, myths about the foods we commonly enjoy, and exploration of what nutrition means to us and our jobs.

If you have a bit of information you think could be of benefit, please don't hesitate to post it here. We can only learn aboout it if we discuss it. Someone may tear it apart, but hopefully we all do our research and get better at deciding what to put into our bodies.

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One of the tools on my page is nutritional tips.
It has been helpful for me.
Check it out.
Go to My Page.
I dont know "how" available it is nationally, But Back east, Pepperidge farms Bakeries have jumped on the whole grains train.... with a version of Oatmeal Bread, Check the label Youwill be quite inpressed even compared to other type of they're whole grains and other Bakers "similar" oatmeal breads,and it tastes awesome!!

I know some may snicker , But Iam not "big on" much beyond standard fruits and veggies .. to improve my intake and get the things I need , Iwent outa bought a Jack Lalanne Juicer, and daily do some various forms of natural fruits and veggies... They're awesome and some of the mixes I've used have been great, Apples, Oranges, lemons, Limes, kiwi's Carrots, Plums, spinach... name it juice it and enjoy it
Juicers are a good way to get nutrition on the go, but they still diminish the nutritional value of fruits as they are removing the juice and separating it from the pulp of the fruit where a considerable amount of the nutritional value is. For those of us who really want to drink our fruit, try smootihies instead. The whole fruit goes in and none of the nutrition comes out!
Smoothies can certainly be made using this "juicer" in fact when you purchase the machine, The recipebook includes any number of combinations of good stuff and ways to make juices, Smoothies, as well as utilize the pulp in Pasta sauces , Cakes and other baked items etc. so dont sell it short.. I happen to be one of those "on the go types" But for those of you who who like playing with recipes ...
I'm one of the big supporters of physical fitness at my department. I've learned on the fire scene that we loose out git up and go real quick! It's hard to carry fruit and food that helps you keep going. Energy bars take a little while to digest and give you that little kick start, and they melt in the truck and gear. What I do for the guys on my truck and myself is keep PowerBar GEL REFUEL step 2 or 3. It goes in the system fast and has a real good shelf lide.


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