I am talking about a helmet. Would you spend your own money for a helmet if you didn't like the one issued to you by the department? Would it be leather or plastic? New York style or Metro? Rachet, adjustable suspension?
How much is your noggin worth?

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Mike just because its not an issued helmet by Your Dept that doesn't mean that your dept can't make it an issued helmet so it is covered!! My ExChief brought it up at a monthly meeting that these guys buying these New Yokers are buying helmets not covered so our Captain stood up and said well we make it an issued helmet with and he was furious well we showed him the proof that the New Yorker was considered a entry helmet as long as it has the skull saver in it and the Philadelphian was considered a Rescue helmet we wanted to act in a proffessional manner so there was no hard feelings thats why I saysometimes it pays to read up on the equipment before you go to purchase it and sometimes two heads are better than one and sometimes other officers can teach a Chief a couple of things but you always want your Chief to to know that no one in the dept was trying to belittle anyone the firefighters just wanted an entry helmet which the proof showed it was better for your head than a Rescue helmet so we got the Rescue helmets for the Heavy Rescue and the New Yorkers for the Interior Firefighters and black and white is all you need for proof to make it an issued helmet and we called our issued company and it was than made an issued helmet for the dept..... Hugh Fawcett 57 House PA
Remember its your head and God only gave you one so protect it and the purchasing of equipment should be taken seriously in this business. All depts feel different and always do whats best for your men. I by no means would ever be disrespectfull to a Chief or a fellow Brother or Sister we can always decide to disagree but when all the black and white is put down than make your decisionns and what is best for your men in the dept. Respectfully Always,Hugh Fawcett 57 House PA
Absolutely!! I've already spent nearly this much on gloves and boots because I didn't like the ones I was issued. I favor the Chiefton 1910.
Trainer, Congratulations on your promotion. Be Safe and Carefull Brother. Hugh Fawcett 57 House PA
Annie, Yes Annie they should but it might be hard to for the manufactuers. How was Dover ?? Did you get any autographs of the Nascar drivers. Hope you had a blast. You have a Safe and Carefull day. Hughie 57 House
Yeah, they didn't have the ratchets I remember that.
Promotion?? well I guess it might read that way, It happened 15 years ago, but thanks anyways.
I'd say you're probably due for another promotion by now!
I'm kinda happy where I'm at, captain, training officer, and #3 on the list. Way to much paperwork comes with that white hat.
the dept my son is on is the same way he has a traditional i bought for him when he graduated from academy . but they want let him wear it
Isn't that why all firefighter PPE has to meet NFPA standards?? Im from a small, rural volunteer fire department that has to run off of $40,000 a year. I don't even make that at the job I have(about half to be exact). I know the saying is the more expensive the better but I am a more praticical kinda gal and with my departments call volume (10 fires and 80 ems) it just seems that I need to get better bang for the buck that Im about to spend.
About 2 years ago, we recieved a grant for new PPE and I have got to say that we didn't go with the traditionals or leathers but my guys take pride in the fact they have new gear and we look more like a uniform fire department instead of the half yellow nomex and the "god only knows what" yellowed gear we used to have. Plus, it FITS!!! Maybe it all comes down to taking pride and not quite to looks and "standing out" from the rest.....that is why our helmets are marked diffrent that the rest of the area.

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