A couple of years ago I switched to a pair of 10" leather front zipper fire boots, and now my feet don't hurt nearly as badly as with the old rubber boots. I'll never go back to rubber. What do you wear?

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We wear Warrington Pro Leather boots at work. I love them, I would not want to go back to my old rubber boots. The leather boots are lighter, fit much better, and hold up great.


Fire Gear Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair by Shamrock Gear and Re...
I agree warrington pro are awsome boots!!! I have 2 pair one for work at my paid dept. And another pair for my vollie dept. In my opinion this is the best money you can spend for yourself. Not only the comfort issue but it is a saftey issue. I belive they will prolong the time you can effectively work on those long drawn out scenes, with less fatigue.
I agee with the whole Leather Boot thing and I also wear the Warrington Pro boots, the only draw back to leather boots would be that if they are exposed at a hazmat scene they can't be used again. but other than that my leathers are just as comfortable at a pair of sneakers and I could never go back to the rubber boots.
Most of the Members at two departments that I run with have leather; Most will never go back to rubber. During this time I when out west and in the mid Atlantic areas at times I had to wear rubber boots I heated every minute of it. I wear Pro-boots, the old and new styles, some members like the older style due to less slippage in side the heal area. As for the question about Haz-mats your department should have boots for Haz-mats you should not wear structural boots for these events. They are not chemical tested or have very poor resistance times. Pulse the Haz-mat boots are cheaper.
AT our dept our haz-mat truck does have rubber boot for haz-mat calls. But if your boots are contamanted ( like at a house fire that turns out to be a meth lab and you get into some carzy chemicals ) they are shot.
Well, we received a grant last year and replaced all our turnout gear for the interior guys.....me included.....lucky me....lol...but we went with the thoroughgood pro kevlar (leather) boots...what a difference....like night and day....I for one will never and I do mean never go back to rubber...Paul
I am in leather where I work, but in rubber where I volunteer. I find my ankles don't feel nearly as stable in the rubber boots and it's easier to crawl around in the leather ones.
Thankfully Our Department began issuing Warrington Pro's going back some years ago, and at the time I opted for the then approved zip ups.. I wore then for about 6 years, and loved them,although getting your bunkers on , then the boots was a pain, and I decided to purchase a pair of pull ons'... A buddy had purchased warrington 5000's ( I Think) the ones with the new style toe guard and he had learned that thetoe guard caused a flex point which became a tearpoint. So I opted to get the 2nd generation style Leather with Fabric uppers... I love them and still wear myzip ups around as well... Most guys dont get the service life thatI do, out of they're boots, and simply because they dont take care of them... No lesss then twice a year, often more, I use a product called SNO seal, which is a bees wax based sealant.. this being said, I am sure you will all say this or that,, but The stuff when applied seals the seams, I have been in water up to my knees with my zipups and my pants got wet through the bunkers but my socks stayed dry... after a few good fires brushing the smeg off and re applying a coat brings them back... in 31years of doing this I've stepped on nails, had wet feet in rubber boots in sub zero weather, filled my boots with water, smashed a few doors and walls with my feet, been in the boots for 36 hours, I have to say leathers Forever!! On the roof , In the snow, climbing ladders they are the only way to go..
We just got issued the new airboss cbrn boots andf they're great. Yes they are rubber, but the boot is completely different. They are as light as the leather boots, better comfort than the leather boots we had before and they protect better. I would recommend them to anybody out there.

Stay safe.
Last year I was fitted for new gear, Moring Pride! I also got new boots. The Firewalkers. The sales man called them shoe fit. I love em'. Compared to my old rubber boots they are great!
However, I recently tried a pair of leather fire boots out....I will be buying them shortly! There is a huge diffrance. I have to go into the MVA's to hold C-spine or tunnel through the trunk/back glass alot. The leathers let me move around a lot better.
we went to throughgood leathers a year ago and I believe we all love them....I know I do....my feet don't get sore..I don't get as tired (lighter) and when a mans feet don't hurt then you get more out of him...LOL
I wear a pair of Globe Magnums, I was wearing Warrington Pro's before that. The Globe 14" Bott is the most amazing thing I have ever worn, Its like wearing sneakers. I very often forget I'm wearing them. Hands down the best thing out there !!

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