My volunteer fire dept. runs a QRS (quick response medical program) for our township. We are fully BLS. Most of our EMTs and First Responders only run medical for our fire dept. and not on an ambulance. For that reason the only hands on training most of us recieve are on the 10-12 actual calls we get a month. I was wondering if anybody has any ideas of how we can do some hands on training drills within our dept. to keep us from getting rusty on the medical side.
Please let me know what you think or what your dept. does. Thanks.

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Scenarios! Set-up scenarios to practice all kinds of stuff. We try to come up with the most unusual extrications, multi casualty, your only limitation is your imagination! We've had to extricate out of a tiny bathroom, pull a pt off a ladder - the more bizarre the better! We even had a shoot-out between the police (we invited them to participate) and the perp. Three of our techs got shot, and so did a cop! Great awarenss excercise for scene safety! Not only is it good practice, it's a lot of fun and can lead to a lot of beneficial discussion as well.
I agree with Chele, Scenarios are probably the best way to go, and including the LEO's, fire depts and ems personnel altogether also helps build a good working relationship with each other if you don't already have one. Also I know that almost all of the ems depts in my area allow the FD FRs to join in on their monthly in-services, maybe your local ems will allow your FRs to do the same. Get all the training you can and stay safe out there. Chris MVFD1149
I would also have to say scenarios. They are easy to do and all it takes is just a couple of people and a jump bag. The types of things you could come up with is up to your imagination. You could order a book called 100 role playing scenarios. It has various medical andd trauma calls in it . The possiblities are unlimted
I'm guessing that you are at Station 63. My suggestion is to get a hold of Pinacle Health, Wellspan health, Summit Health or whatever the hospital systems use over on your side of the state as well as your local transporting ambulance service and your local EMS counsel (For me it's EHSF, I don't know who it is for you, but you can find out by going to and ask them for training ideas and material. More often than not, they will come and assist with training. Hope this helps.
Some good ideas have already been presented here. Another is to train with your neighboring departments to see what they do and how they run things. Make your drills as realistic as possible but don't overdo it.

Also, keep practicing the basics - start at ABC and go from there. Patient assessment for both medical and trauma stations, and AED would be good ones to keep doing.
I would have to agree with chele, chris , and mike....SCENARIOS!!! With my department we base ours on calls we have actually had like cardiacs and respiratorys and such. We also have an ongoing training program that we have a classroom portion and praticals that are set up by scenarios. I would also contact the hospital(s) you transport to and see if maybe the ER director or if they have a trauma coordinator could be able to help you out.

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