I just worked a 18 wheeler vs car driver died 3 critical kids.At th hospital I realized they wer friends I go t church with.The mother and the father of the driver and the grandparents of the 3 kids and I grew up together.I insisted on being there when they wer told about thier daughter.I am just wiped out emotionaly.The service offered to let me go home but I felt I needed to be here.
It hurts to see your friends hurting so.

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I feel for ya.. Went on a call car fire.. Kid was trapped come to find out as I watched the car burn knowing we could do nothing inside was my son's best friend.. They were just together not only 1 hour before that.... Need to go home take a deep breath and realize That life has a funny way of messing with us and there is nothing we can do.. This is why only special people can do this job.... Stay tuff Budd.. Oh yea I cried alot for a few days. but like all things in life things move on....
Haven't had to experience that and hope I never do. Stay strong Brother.
I can't even imagine....I live in a tiny community, so, I expect to know lots of the people. But, I can't even begin to imagine what you must be feeling. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Blessings and Be Safe,

I went on a child not breathing and did CPR. The child died at the scene. It was called a SIDS death.
Three months before I buried my own child. After that I had to go and talk to my chief and then a pastor.
The pain goes away but you never forget. You have a network of friends and people to talk to. use them.
sorry to hear about your friends...
i havent been in that situation yet...
but, if i could say something..
it sounds like u need to have a CISD..
talk to your Chief about it..
ask him to bring everyone in that was on that run..
sit down with trained professionals an talk about it..
Critical Incident Stress can bite u in the behind later down the road..
there are also trained people at ur local hospital to talk with about it..
you can talk to your Church Pastor with the church confidentiality..
u have taken the first step be asking for help...
we are all here for u an will offer our help any way we can..
hang in there....

Just remember you were there to help the whole time. You did the best you could. I'm sure there really isn't anything you could have done to make the outcome any better. You didn't do anything yourself to cause this to happen therefore keep your head up and continue to be there with your friends and family. I am sure it meant a lot to the friends and family of the victims that you worked the call then stayed after.

Keep your head. Talk, cry or laugh anything you need to do to work through this.
We your family is always here for you too.

i feel for you. i hope you can work through it . it is never easy especialy when you know them
we had a van full of prisoners about a month ago driver went to sleep 7 prisoners traped hand cuffed and shackled we had to cut them all out 2 didnt make it my heart went out to there familys . i did not know them, it was tough
Its been a while since you posted this, and I want to see if you are OK brother. I am sorry to hear about your loss, I hope you and your friends are doing OK, please let us know.
Thanks for caring ,I'm making it,family is doing ok.yesterday was kind of a bad day and I realized i was running with out sleep so after about 12 hrs of sleep the world looks much better
Ran an MVA, 2 patients. My partner came to me about five minutes into extrication and told me the patients were his step-mother and step-sister. Fortunately both were stable. I told him I would get a third truck headed to the call if he needed to be relieved. He said that he was OK. Another truck transported the mother and we transported the sister. Partner did good considering the circumstances, best we had worked together all night. When we got to the hospital I called dispatch to put us out of service. Supervisor, in his infinite lack of wisdom wanted us back on the streets, even after me telling him the patients were my partner's family. I could tell it was starting to bother my partner, and we stayed at the hospital as long as I could stall since we only had 45 minutes left in our shift. All recovered and my partner later thanked me for bucking the supervisor. It was his last shift before going to a city FD.
im sorry for the lose of a friend.
I know how you feel !!! I live in a VERY small community, and back on Oct 7th I responded to a multiple shooting. As soon as they gave the address, I knew it. It was a very good freind of the family, she even babysat our children. Turned out that her and 5 of her freinds that we all knew very well, had just been shot and killed by her ex-boyfriend...a sheriffs deputy and his AR15. I knew this officer very well, both profesionally and socialy. He always helped babysit our kids when she did. It was very traumatic for all of us. Im still having a hard time with this, not sure if I will ever get over it. My heart goes out to you and anyone else put in these situations. I hope over time we all can find peace with the things we see and go thru.

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