Although the temps here in the Mo Bootheel have moderated some they are still dangerous. Last nite my son-in-law, who is on our FD and a rural one, got too hot and collapsed. EMS was called and transported him to the hospital. Fortuanately he is OK. He was on a fire out in the county with the rural department. Only four showed up to help and Daniel did most of the work as much I can determine. It was structure fire in an abandoned school in a small community. Daniel packed up with another FF and did an interior attack. The Chief out there didn't pay much attention to the situation. He did not call for mutual aid from us or any other area department. He allowed FF to make an interior attack on a building without backup, or RIT. Plus there were not enough manpower to rotate in and out of rehab. In addition, should an interior attack be made on building that was of no value and dangerous? IMHO...........NO! Exterior attack could have been made and put the fire out. Apparently someone had utilities hooked up because Daniel hit a hot water heater with a water stream and it exploded resulting in minor steam burns. That was interesting since most of the windows in the building were already knocked out. Bad situation, lucky out come. We have to be careful!

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