Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Norton Shores Fire Dept - Current Fulltime Firefighter
My Training:
Michigan State Certified:
Firefighter I
Firefighter II
Vehicle Extrication
Advanced Vehicle Stabilization
Intro to Wildland Fire Suppression
Agricultural Machinery Extrication
Hazmat Awareness
Hazmat Operations
Educational Methodology
Instructor Orientation
Wildland S-190
Wildland S-130
Wildland S-215
Detection of Arson and Suspicious Fires
Certified Associate Instructor
Hybrid Vehicle Awareness
Ice Rescue - NFPA Tech Level
Landing Zone Specialist
Company Officer I/II
Fire Officer III
Instructor I
About Me:
I'm from a rural community here in Michigan. Love anything to do with the outdoors. My family always comes first, but being a firefighter is a close second.
Day Job:
Auto Technician
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To serve my community and be a part of a great brotherhood.
Hi there; I’m Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy this site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
I also collect Patches and badges and would love to show one of yours in my collection. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know someone in these groups please contact me. My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au
If you fell like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy….
My address is:-
Leo J. Cartwright
246 Kay Street
Robert, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.
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I also collect Patches and badges and would love to show one of yours in my collection. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know someone in these groups please contact me. My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au
If you fell like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy….
My address is:-
Leo J. Cartwright
246 Kay Street
Cheers Leo
Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon