Lars Andersen
  • 61, Male
  • Vejle
  • Denmark
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  • Tadeo Baez
  • Karsten Duus
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Lars Andersen's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Fighter Wing Skrydstrup BOR
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Ambulance and first responder for 16 years
War veteran from Bosnia, Kosovo and Kyrgystan (Afghanistan)
My Training:
Danish basic firefighter education
Military NCO-course
Danish leading firefighter education
Danish leading ARFF education
Battalion commander
Military ARFF
Civil ARFF
ARFF onscene Commander
Military Senior NCO-course
About Me:
46 years old, wife and two kids, long distance runner, scuba diver.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Just to try somthing new..

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Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 5:19pm on April 27, 2010, Tammy H. said…
thanks for the msg.. no i am not a firefighter in the military i am one in civilian world part time but full time marine.. and that would make me a GySgt.
At 3:52pm on May 10, 2009, Chris said…
Hei Lars! Hyggelig å høre fra deg! Har akkurat kommet fra den internasjonale konferansen for Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighters i Myrtle Beach USA! Vet ikke om jeg rekker den i København... Men vi jobber med flere prosjekter, så det hadde vært kjempehyggelig å utveksle erfaringer etter konferansen i Køben? Hvis du er på facebook, må du gjerne legge deg til som venn!! Nettverk Norge, så finner du meg!
At 6:41am on April 26, 2009, Sune Schønnemann said…
Tak Lars..

Jeg håber også på at få nogen gode forbindelser.. Det ser ud til de allerede er på vej..
Jeg har da også allerede fået tillusket mig nogen spændende kurser hist og her :-)
At 10:43am on March 3, 2009, NMB Truckie said…
Hey Lars,

Great to hear from you. I just wanted to give you my e-mail address so I might talk with you more in depth. I find it so interesting how differently our countries solve the same problem of fire. If you send me your e-mail I can send some pictures of my department and crew and send you some of our training materials to possibly see some different tactics than your used to. I hope all goes well for you over there. Stay safe,

Lt James Vreeland
At 9:38pm on March 1, 2009, NMB Truckie said…
Got your message that you might be coming to Horry County, Feel free to look us up at North Myrtle Beach anytime. I have been studing european firefighting tactics and would love to share some training and other information with my brothers from abroad!!
At 11:32am on December 3, 2008, Thomas Bishop said…
Hi Lars - Nice Photos - You may want to see - The International Organization of Fire Photography (IOFP) is the largest group of fire photographers worldwide.
At 11:18pm on June 20, 2008, Lisa said…
At 5:19pm on June 3, 2008, Lars Andersen said…
Hallo Michael
Thank you for your greatings. Maybe I will go close to Köln in a year or two. I do somtimes participate in the Neimegen march i Nederland. It is quit close to Köln.

Kindly regards

At 6:02am on June 3, 2008, Lars Andersen said…
Hallo Lisa

Things are allright here in Denmark. I am preparing for the summer holiday. There are a lot of things here on the fire department that I will have to take care of before I am ready to go on holiday. The last two weeks befor the holiday will be spend on our national fire-academy.
Then I will be off for a 38 day. The holiday will be spend in Egypt and in Greenland.
Hope that things are OK in Canada as well.
At 12:15am on June 3, 2008, Lisa said…
Hello Lars, how are you doing? How are things in Denmark?

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