Neil Starks


Houston, Texas

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Training Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Community Volunteer Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
All training has been with the department and the training programs offered within. I am the department Training Officer, an EMS Lt, and CPR/AED Training Center Falculty member. All in all, I stay quite busy.
About Me:
I am an ER EMT Supervisor at a local hospital. I have spent 18 years in Youth Ministry as of three years ago. Yup, no longer working with teenagers, and I miss it terribly.
Day Job:
ER EMT Supervisor
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To give back and fullfill a lifelong desire.

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  • Chan Rivera

    welcome from ny
  • Paulo Jesus

    Hello from Portugal

    My name's Paulo, I live in Oporto (the 2nd biggest portuguese city). I'm Fire Chief and the President of the Portuguese Volunteers Firefighters Association.
    I hope we can exchange knowladge and become good friends. Who knows that one day we'll meet.
    Keep in touch.

    My MSN contact:
  • Chris

    Hey Neil! Appreciate your reply. I am considering joining the CVFD within the near future, can you tell me a bit what it's like to volunteer with them? My job allows me to be at home so i have a ton of free time and might even make firefighting a career. I live in Sugar Land and CVFD is the closest but i'd have to be at the station a lot which i wouldn't mind. I don't think i've heard one bad thing about CVFD after asking around for a while. If you have time i'd love to know more about the training and what's involved. Also some things like life at the station, the different opportunities one could do at CVFD(would like to learn truck and equipment/tool maintenance), any anything else you'd like to share. I do understand that most calls are medical so i have somewhat of a realistic idea of what the job is about. I am also losing excess weight and trying to buff up a bit later down the road to make myself more useful. Thanks Neil, hope to hear from you soon. You can email me if you want chechnya at