I work for the University of Alaska Anchorge at our Sports Complex and after having a gentleman have a stroke in our sauna and almost die, then a couple of months later I had a lady who had a heart attack in our pool. I'm also the manager of my son's competition hockey team and I seen some pretty nasty cuts, broken bones and concussions.....so I decided I wanted more training. After I got my EMT certification I joined a volunteer emt group that handle most High School athletic events, moto cross events and special olympic events so that I could keep practicing what I had learned and they do lots training so I'll be ready when it's time to recert.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I want to help others in crisis situations
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Health and Personal Safety issues and shrinking municipal and state budgets to adequately compensate Fire Fighter and EMS personnel.
Mike Woodman
Apr 2, 2009
Jun 3, 2009
Robert Morse
Bob Morse
Jul 7, 2009