
41, Female

Durham, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Apex Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
1 year +
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Parkwood Volunteer Fire Department
Durham, NC

Dauntless Hook & Ladder Co.
Selinsgrove, Pa
Firefighter; Speedway crew; Water rescue/SCUBA team
My Training:
Firefighter I/II; NC EMT-Intermediate; Rescue Technican/Technical Rescuer; Hazmat Operations; Emergency Vehicle Driver; Incident Safety Officer
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It's in my family's blood (at least mom's side), I'm the 6th generation Uncle was a Lt. for Engine 21 in the City of Shamokin, Pa. So now my cousin and I are continuing the tradition. Plus, what other reward is greater than turning someone's day around in their time of need even if it is as small as checking a battery or giving directions...

Comment Wall:

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  • Andrew

    Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches. Andrew.
  • david nencioni

    Hi Ashley my name is David from Florence, Italy and i would like to swap patches? If you're interested pls contact me at 

    Thanks and be safe

  • Randy McDougall

    Hi Ashley:

    I am interested in trading police, fire and EMS patches (new or used). If your interested in a trade, let me know.

