

Edwardsburg, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Edwardsburg Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
6 years
My Training:
All the baseline stuff- FF I & II, Hazmat, etc.
EMT / Basic
MFFTC- Educational Methodology
MFFTC- Stratagies & Tactics
Currently working on my Fire Science degree @ Southwestern Michigan College. Probaly need two more semesters.
I start the State of Michigan Company Officer I & II classes in April '09
About Me:
I'm a happily married father of four daughters. Having 4 girls has made my hair grow grey, and I'm constantly placed 10-15 years then I actually am. Other then the Fire thing, my Hobbies include Fantasy Football, Genealogy, and I'm an avid Volleyball player.
Day Job:
Insides Sales/ Purchasing at a Building materials distributor
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Family tradition. I'm 4th generation and my earliest memories are of riding on my Grandpas lap in the engine during the Memorial day Parade. Walking in that firehouse (neighboring community to mine) and the smell of it still brings back pleasant memories. Growing up and idolizing my Dad and all his war stories. How could I not get into the service? :-)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love the tradition, and of course the occasional thank you you get from Joe Public.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
retention / recruitment in the volunteer service

Comment Wall:

  • Paul

    Welcome to FFN Brother!! Take ~N~ Be Safe!!!!!
  • Norm Carl Jr

    Welcome!!! Looking forward to the waterball tourny this year... suppose I should start planning huh?!?!
  • Markie Rutter

    not much. any thing new with you?