Phillip McLean


Saint Louis, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Fire Department
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
in training
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
St. Louis Fire Academy
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
Aspiring to make a difference for others. Physically training 7 days a week to pass the CPAT & be placed in the Academy. Currently studying to be an EMT by Sept. 2011 at SLCC - Meramec.
Day Job:
Corporate credit & A/R
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was always enamored by the fire dept. & trucks as a little kid all through childhood. After pursuing a corporate career in recent years, I have come to realize just how unfulfilling it really is. Training to be the best I can be physically & mentally brings me great joy & to think one day that it could actually be me helping others at the worst possible moment in their life makes me swell with pride.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It just feels like the 'right' path for me & the closest thing I have experienced to a "Calling".
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Budget cuts.

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  • Roger Waters

    Thanks! ya Colorado is pretty nice! Take care and be safe! Roger
  • Roger Waters

    Good morning Phil. Thanks for the support of the website and for me! I really appreciate it. Good luck to you and if there is any way I can continue to help you out let me know.

    Pass the work on the website! :)

    Be safe,
  • George A. Laiacona III

    Thanks. Not tough, per se, but lots of work. If you have the knack for it, go for it. I recommend some time on a truck as a Basic before trying Paramedic school. I'd like to join a combo dept when I'm done with school since I like fighting fire more than medical. If I understood you, St. Lou wants it's FFs to be medics? As much as I hear about shortages of Medics, how do they propose to fill those ranks?
    If you want, let's trade patches. I've got Couchton Fire and Rescue and SC EMT patches to spare.