Stan J. Lorence

37, Male

Cleveland, Ohio

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Fire Buff / Fire Enthusiast
Years in Fire/EMS:
? - ? considering joining
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
Well theres alot but i'll keep it short lol first of all my name is Stan I graduated from marshall in 2005 and now a days i been working up at Jinxed which is a magic and costume shop along with gag stuff also but atleast it keeps some income coming in for my bills and come this spring i plan to get a start on my future which is to become a firefighter no if and or buts i done the research that i need and now i just been studying and getting all the tips to be prepared for the civil service exam and then after passing that off to the 3 month probation to the fire academy training ..
Day Job:
Jinxed costumes and magic
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
well i havent joined quite yet but i plan to take the civil service exam this coming spring and from there we'll see what the future holds for me..

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  • Zerkle 523

    so far today we havent had eny calls but the night aint over so yeah well stay warm bub...............Zerkle523
  • Zerkle 523

    Hey man aint heard from you in a few drop me a line enytime...........Zerkle523
  • Lainey

    You are welcome Stan, good luck.