
34, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Sykesville Freedom District Fire Dept
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Hazmat Ops
Day Job:
College Student/ CNA
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have been around it since I was Born, Its a family thing and I wanted to help people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Its fun, get to meet lots of people and its what I like to do

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  • Jacob

    Im just saying, Carroll has to do things all caddywompus. They dont follow the regulations for anything. They do their own thing and their own thing is fucked up.

    Ive heard from tons of people that 124 is a rescue piece. I dont know, Ive never seen it, really dont want to, lol. But companies have rescue engines and rewscue squads in the same company. But Ive heard 124 run on rescues, Ive never heard Engine Tankers going on rescues. Ive never heard it called ET-124 though. I dont know, really dont care.

    Lol, I wont go back to Chicago..... Ill go to New York, lol.
  • Jacob

    Its a perfect RIT unit then, lol. It got the tools and 1500 gal. RIT Engine 124, lol. Lol, Im not going to NY. Actually. I retired from Firefighting.

    But you wanna go back to the Westminster topic real quick:
    8AM on a Monday morning.

    Dispatch for Rescue in 3's 1st due. St 3, R9, RS6, due.
    2 Minutes later dispatch for a working fire in York county 58's 1st due, St 7, Air Unit 7. RS 6, R9 out with full crews on the 3 rescue.

    2 minutes after that dispatch 73 and 74 out the door with full crews.

    1 minute later. Air Unit 7 with 2. Response check St 3 on the rescue.

    1 minute later. Engine 32 with 2 people. Cancelled RS 6 and R9. WHY?!?!?! They have the rescue tools, they have the people, they have the 5 minutes out the door quicker.

    Let me break this down for you. Westminster with ALOT of volunteers, coudlnt get out the door until after 7 minutes. Then only had 2 TWO FUCKING PEOPLE! Lineboro, has like 15 firefighters in the entire company. Got 10 people in 3 units out the door in less than 4 minutes. ON A MONDAY MORNING!!! Most of Lineboro's guys are at work. Most of Westminsters guys are at work BUT Westminster has a hell of alot more members.

    Tonight. Working 8 box in Union Bridge. T3 due, 5 minutes, response checked. 2 minutes later "Carroll to Frederick copy for Quint 11" Quint 11, from Walkersville (remember them? baby blue enignes, I cant take them seriously, lol). Tower 3 scratches. OH WAIT!!! It gets better, same call.... "Routine Service Alarm 10-5 Transfer, station 3 to station 10" THEY DIDNT GET OUT ON A TRANSFER!!!! You need 3 people for a transfer. Winfield took the transfer to 10. You would think that when they heard the dispatch from the T3 call, people might come to the fire house. So you should have atleast 3 people there to get an engine out for a transfer. TAKE 2 PROBIES IF YOU HAVE TO. If they were to get on the working 8 box that would be great practice.

    Carroll Station 3 is the biggest joke in size, biggest in ego and biggest in waste of time EVER!!!! I will NEVER be jealous of a joke.
  • Jacob

    "Box 03-?? St. 3,10,8,6 T3, R8, house fire....." Not even 2 minutes later "On Box 03-?? Lt. 8-3 on scene with command."

    Are you kidding me? Tommy Marble, the lowest ranked fire officer in Union Bridge blows everyone into a 3 box, and takes command. But thats not the worst part, before he cancelled everyone, Westminster let him have command. Im not saying Tommy Marble is a bad guy, hes a cool guy and great lieutenant, but Chief Alexander from Westminster should have the balls to say "I dont fucking think so Jack, this is my scene."

    When your chief doesnt have the balls to tell a LT from another company to get lost, it doesnt say much for the fire dept that keeps voting him in as chief...... Judging by everyones actions in that place, not just the chief..... Well, you come up with your own conclusion. And if that hasnt convinced you how shitty they are, Ill gladly add more, lol.