Howard Thompspn


Memphis, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
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  • Firewriter

    Hi Howard, from a fellow Tennessean, welcome to FFN!
  • Avery W. Hill Sr.

    Hey Howard it doesnt look like the net will take off. I dont think we can get any takers the only interest we got is a woman in TX that works an EOC. Which I thought i was very clear on FIRE FIGHTERS ONLY I guess we'll have to be more blunt thought i was blunt enough. EOCs have more than enough of there own nets hell u cant tune the dial w/o running into one. Anyway just seein if u would like to meet on the air sometime. Seein that u and i are the one ones maybe its still not the right time for a net not just quite yet. If u and I meet on a regualr bases on a freq maybe some more will come along then we could start one.
  • Avery W. Hill Sr.

    Well thats good that you got a couple friends from the area interested in the net. Well looks like it'll just be us then for a little while until we can get a few more interested then maybe we can start a net 4 ppl gettin together on the air is a good start. Well I cant get on 80 meters yet I have a 20 m antenna that tunes 80 how it does I have no clue. And 20m I can get on the air in the after noons on my days off cosidering I dont have any RFI coming. I am getting a 60ft all band antenna tomorrow i got a plan on making it a vertical maybe that'll knock out some the RFI doesnt hurt to try right thats what this hobbies all about. Unfourtunitly I dont have as nice of a chief to allow me an HF rig at the staion.