I joined the fire service for lots of reasons. One being that my friends joined because of there fathers. Second because of my grandfather was a firefighter with Barnard Fire Department in Rochester and i can remember the stories he told to me as a child.
Thanks for poking me. I wanted to tell you congratulations on your presentation at FDIC. I'm sure it wasn't easy because of the neighborhood connection but I hope the more you tell the story - the easier it will get. Like I told you then, it didn't matter how the story came out because it was very apparent of where it came from - your heart.
Sorry we didn't have the chance to share any adult beverages but I ended up conducting a lot of business while I was there that consumed a lot of my time. Besides, I figured you wanted to spend some quality time with your home slices and kick back.
Let's connect soon. Call me about some joint presentation opportunities.
Tiger Schmittendorf
Thanks for poking me. I wanted to tell you congratulations on your presentation at FDIC. I'm sure it wasn't easy because of the neighborhood connection but I hope the more you tell the story - the easier it will get. Like I told you then, it didn't matter how the story came out because it was very apparent of where it came from - your heart.
Sorry we didn't have the chance to share any adult beverages but I ended up conducting a lot of business while I was there that consumed a lot of my time. Besides, I figured you wanted to spend some quality time with your home slices and kick back.
Let's connect soon. Call me about some joint presentation opportunities.
Apr 30, 2009
May 1, 2009
Jul 25, 2009