

Newton, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Wicksburg V.F.D.
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
Data Integration Specialist
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
As a boy I was always around the fire dept. I was drawn to it naturally. I graduated from the fire academy at the same time I graduated from high school. I have believed in helping my fellow neighbor. There is no greater sense of purpose than when helping those in need, knowing that you are using your skills to the best of your abilities without judging those in need.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The Comradery

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  • Jordan Taylor

    Not at all, I heard he was real down-to-earth, so I have his photo. I'm glad to hear that you met him and proved this to be true. The 101st? Impressive...keep in touch.
  • Eric

    That's cool. I had a buddy just get back from Iraq with the 101st. It's a unit I always wanted to go to, but I was only in for 5 and was with the 11th ACR the entire time. Other than Benning for basic, AIT, Airborne and RIP, The only other post I was ever at was Ft. Polk for a month, playing ING during a field rotation. I honestly don't remember which unit we were supplementing though. Well, nice to meet you. Take care and stay safe.
  • Jamie Mitchell

    whats up mario........did u get my friends request..... if not please add me