Ann-Marie Lindstrom

, Female

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Type of Organization
Years in Fire/EMS:
About Me:
I am a fire service/EMS writer and newsletter editor. I joined FireFighterNation to get a better understanding of what's going on in the fire/EMS the field level. Looking forward to learning more about the issues that affect folks on a daily basis. What I can learn from you will improve the information I work to provide to the community.

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  • Al Mozingo

    Thanks for the comment. If you want me to email a number of short articles for your publication let me know (
  • Ann-Marie Lindstrom

    If anyone invites me to be a friend, please don't be offended if I don't respond. Leaving for a cruise to Alaska on April 25; returning May 3. Have turned off e-mail alerts. Cleaning out the spam will be enough fun when I return.
  • Al Mozingo

    Yes - the ethics in the world today is not good at times. Al