William (Billy) Taylor

63, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
20 1/2 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Florida Division of Forestry Tallahassee Forestry Center
Years With Department/Agency
20 1/2 years
My Training:
Wildland firefighter, Dozer operator, Engine operator, Engine Boss, Dozer Boss, Strike team leader, Taskforce leader, Division Supervisor Trainee all of these are on national level.
About Me:
I have been working wildland fire for 20 1/2 years, I have been to Texas, Georgia, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Colorado.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I like to fight fire and help people
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Knowing you have help someone today.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Rising cost of family health care and the issues faced with Terrorism.

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  • Lori Greeno

    Hi Billy,
    Hope as is going well for you back East. We are getting soaked out here in CA and things are growing at a rapid pace. Could be a big fire season or a big bust, I guess we will just wait and see. I'm hoping for some smaller fires so I can get my training in for Aircraft Timekeeping at the air tanker base. Take care and let me know if you come out this way!
  • chance hines

    Hey Billy, how's things up there? I hear you guys are getting lots of rain. We are pretty dry here and even dryer south of here. I went to California with Doug Williams last year. I'm hoping to pick a couple more weeks with him. We been doing some burning when we can. I mostly just been teaching 130/190 classes. Hope everythings good in youy neighborhood! Ttyl Chance Hines
  • Rusty Mancini

    Billy,Thank you for the add on.I use to live in brooksville fla.Be safe brother.