Steven Jones

50, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Years in Fire/EMS:
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Columbia College Fire Department

Clements Rural Fire Protection District
My Training:
Graduate of the Columbia College Fire Academy

Associate of Science: Fire Technology

California State Fire Fighter I

Swift Water Rescue Technician I

Emergency Medical Technician

Hazardous Materials First Responder

Low Angle Rope Rescue Technician
About Me:
Volunteer Firefighter - Clements Rural FPD: 6 years

Firefighter - Columbia College FD: 1 year

Policy Analyst - IAFF: 5 years

Executive Director - FRC: ~2 years
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
What better way to help people?
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Directly impacting people's lives.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
1. Every aspect of first responder safety

2. Ensuring first responders achieve communications interoperability

3. Making September 25th "National First Responder Appreciation Day"

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  • Steven Jones

    As a nation, we honor TV dinners every March, catfish every June and ice cream every July. Yet there is currently no national day of recognition for our first responders.

    The First Response Coalition is working to right this wrong, and is calling on you to help us give our heroes the national day of recognition that they deserve.

    Please visit the FRC website and sign the petition to make September 25th "National First Responder Appreciation Day!"
  • Steven Jones

    Your efforts to give our first responders a national day of appreciation is working!

    Washington Congressman Dave Reichert has introduced a resolution designating September 25, 2007 as National First Responder Appreciation Day!

    In order to get the resolution to the House floor for a vote, we need to make our voices heard! Go here ( and send a letter to your Representative TODAY urging them to:

    1. Support the call for a National First Responder Appreciation Day by signing on as a co-sponsor of H.Res.592.

    2. Urge their colleagues to support the resolution.

    3. Help bring the resolution to the House floor for a vote as soon as possible.
  • Michael Seneco

    Thanks for the ad Steve.

    Good luck to FRC on their efforts. I spent many years as a first responder, both volunteer and paid-- it's about time they had a voice!

    Father Mike

    P.S. I am in DC, and have done lobbying on the hill in the past - anything I can do to help, let me know.