Ben 'Snapper' Auger

32, Male

Rodney District

New Zealand

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Kaukapakapa Fire
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
I train hardcore to be on top of my game, 24/7.
Day Job:
University Student
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
At first the real deal was just to see what is was about..

The fire service has shaped me into what I am becoming... it has taught me lessons... skills I thought i would never dream of learning amongst many others.

Train harder, succeed higher.

Always good helping out the community!
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  • Pierre-Louis Lamballais

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for your message. Know I'm in Brasil. With Tantad we are working to create a school here. In fact, we put flashover container and give course in Belgium, France, Portugal, Poland and so on. This year, we will go to Italy and maybe Peru and Argentina. Some times fire departement pay for that, but sometimes we do that freely in order to help.
    So if you want a flashover container and some help, no problem! :)
    Best regards

    Hello Ben,

    Thanks for the invite Brother - All the best to you and your Department!
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    lol not sure exactly lol only had this one bout 3 weeks , nits a izuzu i think has a darley pump , just a small truck lol, the old one at my old station was awesome it was a one of two had had a waterus pump