Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

32, Female


New Zealand

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
joined feb 2008
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
4 years
My Training:
7 days Basic training at NTC, an MVA course
Currently a FireFighter next step will be my QFF
About Me:
Im a volly in the Waikato,I grew up in a house bus and preforming in fire shows around NZ, I love the out doors rock climbing,farming and traveling, Firefighting, . im a chatter box got the nick name at the station Yakka...Im now concidering training up a bit more and trying out for a permanant position in the service and in spare time will still volunteer
Day Job:
venues assistant for the taupo district council
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I think its just who I am,I was born for it. I love helping people, my brigade were recruiting and i thought well why not, and I love it. I cant imagine doing anything else. Its a good way of giving back to your community,
Why I Love Fire/EMS
because i was born to do it, i love the adrenilin and helping people

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  • Mark Fuqua

    Hey Sarah, Thanks for having me as a friend. Hope you have a good week "SATY SAFE AND KEEP IN TOUCH"
  • Ron King (Fire Chief)

    Thank you for the add Sarah. Stay Safe!

  • Moose

    Hello Sarah, just wanted to stop by and say hello from New York.  Keep training, and good luck with your future.

    Stay Safe.

    Brian "Moose" Jones

    Captain, Carlisle FD, NY