
35, Female

Hull, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
6 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hull - Daisetta VFD
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
NIMS, WMD, EMT-B, Fire Incident Reporting, Texas A&M Fire Training
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love to help people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the adrenaline rush and helping people.

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    Thank you for the add. Stay safe
  • Eric Swords

  • Philip

    you're welcome. i've been good. staying busy though. i'm ready for the semester to be over w/. I've got my only big final on fri. and then i'm done!! yay!
  • Bulldozer

    Hey sister Happy Holidays and god bless an be safe
  • Rob Fritsche

    that is one hell of a sink hole, hope it turned out ok
  • Dennis Brown

    Hello one hell of a sink hole where they oil tanks that went to
  • FETC

    Dropped by to check out your page. Looks good and great pics too!
    Take care and stay safe!
  • dave skffs338

    great pics stay safe out there
  • Tyler Stinson

    anytime cool pics and stay safe out there
  • FETC

    How's Texas? We just had a bad ice storm and almost a half million people have no electricity, temps in the 20's...

    We been to Fort Worth a few times.
  • Philipp Huss

    cool pictures... how are you???
    take care and stay safe

    your friend from germany
  • FETC

    Ahh snow in Texas.... I hear that you guys don't even have the means to take care of the stuff. 3-4" is a small storm here, 8+ before the cancel school.
  • Chan Rivera

    hello from NY and welcome
  • Bulldozer

    Hey sister happy holidays be careful, safe and God bless (ps)can you send me a friends request
  • Bulldozer

    Hey sister thanks for the request I did not think anyone wood be up this late. I am working off of my blackberry phone so I can only do comments. My comp. died I have to get a new one it will be a few days be for I can get one
  • hardin7002

    hey girl i didnt know u moved! u missed one heck of a night with the snow and ice ran our tails off with mvas had a head on on top of overpass in hardin with one traped. well keep in touch and have a good christmas and new year
  • Joe Frailey

    hey thanks for the add! Stay safe and send me a message anytime...
  • Aaron

    Hey thanks for the add... Im new to this site.. Feel free to message anytime.. stay safe out there...
  • Justin

    Nice Pic, you look alittle too happy to be sliding down the pole

    thanks for the add
    be safe & keep in touch
    by the way , you have very beautiful photos
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    thanks for the add havent been on here in forever just been busy geting ready to deploy
  • Scott A. Carrigan bagdhad at the end of the month
  • Craig Wade

    Hey thanks for the add! Stay safe and keep in touch!
  • sully

    so how are things down in texas?? so does your fire department run alot of calls in a year. you are a very good looking girl. have you been in a lot of big fires?hope you enjoy firefighting, i love running into burning house and saving people. and just helping my community out all that i can. look forward to talking more.
  • Aaron

    hey connie!! Longtime no talk. Whatca been up to?
  • Aaron

    Thats cool, i hope your move goes well. I've just been workin too, and gettin myself ready for the San antonio fire academy. Im really close to getting in.
  • Chris barr

    hey just stoping in to say hey and stay safe
  • Kenneth Blackmon

    Hi glad we can be friends stay safe and stay low ttyl
  • Stephen G

    Hey thanks for the add stay safe out there
  • hardin7002

    just stoping to say hi. been busy here in hardin.
  • Matt Krzycki

    Thanks for the add
  • Matt Krzycki

    have a good 4th
  • spreadluv

    Thanks for the add, Connie! I should be at Goodfellow Air Force Base by late January or early February. Hopefully you can give me some ideas of what to do when on leave.
  • Jake Nix

    no problem u got some good pics those are some really bad wrecks. talk to you later stay safe
  • hardin7002

    hey those are some good pics. could u send me the ones of our scenes
  • caleb

    hey thanks for the add message me sometime if you want lol ok be safe ttyl bye
  • Justin Scott

    thanks for the add, be safe out there
  • samuel flores

    nice pics
  • Aaron

    Hey connie,
    I hope all is well with your dept, but most of all stay safe out there! Keep in touch and hit me up anytime.
  • adel

  • Kurt

    hey sorry I have been really busy just took captin on the 13th glad to see your around still hit me ,
  • Kurt

    up lol
  • Matthew Voges

    Thanks for the add. Hit me up any time.
  • adel

    To all my good friends. Thank you so much for all your patients during this past year. All of you are such great friends and I am so proud to be your friend. To those who trade with me patches thank you again. You really made me feel good and I will walk the extra mile for you. I do hope that all of you will have only the best of times with your family and friends. Merry Christmas to you all and GOD bless you all. Warm greetings from adel in Africa algerie
  • Daryn Simpson

    hey how r u doing
  • A.J. Timmer

    Hey Connie, looks like you stay busy up in Hull. Nice pics. I'm an hour or so south of Houston. Only been in about 10 months and love the action when it comes around, however I dont wish anything bad for any body. Take care up there. Hook em Horns.
  • Brett Smith

    Hey Connie, thanks for the add. Stay safe.
  • Brian OcQue

    Just stopping in to say YO! lol. Haven't been on this in a LONG time. Saty safe, but enjoy the ride...
  • William "Porky" Lindler

    Thanks for the add.....

    Hey how you been been awile