

new south wales


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
8 years with the volunteer firies
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
New South Wales Rural Fire Service
Years With Department/Agency
8 years with the New South Wales Rural Fire Service
My Training:
8 years with NSW RFS (currently trained in Bush Firefighting, Village Firefighting, Advanced Firefighting, CABA, Rural Fire Driver and a few other bits and pieces)
About Me:
Volunteer firefighter in NSW, Australia. Live in Sydney, Australia. Big Sports Fan - Especially Cricket and Rugby League - Go the Bunnies.

I am a patch collector, If your interested in trading let me know and I can sort something out. I mainly have New South Wales Police and New South Wales Rural Fire Service Patches but I also have a few others. Im interested in trading with anyone, but im trying to collect all the Australian States for a patch board for my station. Drop me a comment or email.
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The smell of bushfire smoke...awesome, great friendships

Comment Wall:

  • Robert William Gleeson

    Gday Aaron great to see you here mate, talk soon. Rob
  • Robert William Gleeson

    I see you have picked up a few more patches, great web page, love what you have done to it, pics bring back alot of memories very professional. Rob
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Arron,

    Thanks for the confirmation. I am glad you like it! As soon as yours lands here, I will let you know...thanks again ,my friend...stay safe!!!

  • Liz O'Neill

    Hi Arron

    Thanks for the message. Talk soon. Take Care

  • Liz O'Neill

    Hey I just realised!!!!.........Go the mighty Cardinal and Myrtle South Sydney Rabbitohs!!

    Glory glory to South Sydney!
  • Liz O'Neill

    Up the mighty Rabbitohs! Well we will rise again my friend! Premiership the faith
  • RON aka "LUCKY"


  • RON aka "LUCKY"


    thanks for adding me to your friends list ,,, I sent this guy 3 patches, 2 from my department and a limited edition Boston Fire, Boston Celtics (our basketball team), station specific patch ,,,, i also included a work shirt, a nice one that was embroidered with the IAFF logo and our local ,,,, the only thing i wanted was a tee shirt from an Australia FD ,,,, I don't collect patches, but love duty shirts from over-seas fire departments ,,,,

    this was back in April and he hasn't answered any of my messages on FFN or from his e-mail which he did supply to me ,,,, I know he's checking messages, I've seen his comments and request for patches ,,,, I'm now making it my mission to let people know he stiffed me ,,,, we all get busy, but almost 5 months, nah that's just lazy or he has no plans to return the favor ,,,,puts a bad taste in my mouth, never again till i have something in hand ,,,,

    anyway, thanks for adding me, keep me posted, stay safe and god bless ,,,,

  • RON aka "LUCKY"

    Aron, Thanks mate, if' he's close to your, visit him and let him know he's giving himself a bad name. I'm not a patch collector either. If you have a tee-shirt you wanna exchange, let me know I can send you one of mine. Take care and be safe ,,,,

  • RON aka "LUCKY"

    thanks man, be safe, keep in touch and god bless ,,,,

    fyi iwhen you see our president touch down tomorrow on the news (that is if us nationl news covers such events), it'll be at the airport i work at as a FF ,,,, doubt you'll see any of us in the background, but if it happens i'll let ya know ,,,, i'll be adding pics of his visit last year, got one of me in front of his limo, pretty cool,,,,

  • Kent

    Hey Arron, I am interested in trading patches. I work for a fire dept in Colorado. Email me at if you are interested.
  • Tommy

    Hey Arron I would love to trade for one of those South County Fire Service patches..I am a volunteer from Bucks County Pennsylvania...Email me at if interested
  • Kent

    Arron, any of those patches sounds fine. Email me your address and I'll send you mine. Thanks!
  • Tommy

    Thanks for getting back to prob on not having any patches..But please let me know if you do get your hands on a gesture of good faith if you want i will send you one of mine..just get me your address..and you can get me back when you got one..
  • Terri

    Hi there!! great page you have here!! =)
  • Tommy

    Fair enough man..just let me know and I will get one out to you asap..stay safe out there
  • Kent

    Sounds good buddy, email me at .
  • RON aka "LUCKY"

    Arron, as you know i got burned swapping ,,,, i don't collect patches but i do like to swap dept, tee shirts ,,,, if your interested, i'd be willing to do a 1 for 1 work shirt swap ,,,, let me know ,,,,
  • Kent

    I got your patches in the mail today, take care.

    Hi Arron
    I have one patche for you and more patches from México, how many patches do you can send me I can send you 5 or more patches to you
    My address is
    HIDALGO 524-9A-502
    09850, IXTAPALAPA
    MEXICO, D. F.
  • lee alexander bryant

    cheers mate all good here hope its the same 4 u
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well my friend!!! Stay safe.

  • RON aka "LUCKY"

    hey man, don't forget me when you get new tee-shirts ,,,, i accidently deleted you from my friend list and can't figure out how to undo it ,,,,

    good luck, be safe ,,,

  • Andrew

    trade patches.

    Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.
  • Terri

    Hi Arron!!  well its been a while between drinks!! i dont get on here too often :)

    I am with Bunbury Bushfire Brigade in Bunbury in the South West of Western Australia.

    I have been in the Brigade for approx 17 years now, i love it!!

    What about you? what Brigade are you with?

