

western Australia


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Fire Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Volunteer Bushfire Brigade - FESA
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
I'll get to this stuff one day :)
About Me:
i say it how it is, if ya dont like it. tuff shit :)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
love it. commeradery, doing something for the community.

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  • Arron

    Hello Terri

    Hope your doing well, sorry I havent been on here much lately either, its probably been a few months. Im with a rural fire brigade at Regentville in New South Wales, its basically at the foot of the blue mountains (Penrith). Its pretty good, we get a few bush stuff with the odd urban response which makes things interesting. I have been with them for about 9 years now and still love it.


    Its been a very quiet season this year though, not much has been happening out this way, heaps of rain. Hows things out your way?


  • Anna

    Hi Terri!

    it's nice to meet you...I saw your comment on Women in the dept. I'am also a FF in my hometown, I heard a lot about job FF in your country and I think it's dangerous and exciting job. we haven't got this kind of actions in here.

    stay safe

    greets :)

  • Arron

    Yeah I know what you mean, its been real quiet out here. We have had so much rain out my way that the season is pretty much over before it began, I dont know about the rest of the state, some of it will still be dry and ready to go but not out this way. Would be good to get some action though, it seems like its been ages.


    We were lucky the other day, a bloke who set fire to a large amount of bush in Katoomba near the three sisters got arrested, it was good to be part of that, had to be a volunteer amongst the paid staff.


    Hey do you have anything to do with the WA parks and wildlife?


    Stay safe Terri, take care, Arron