Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

32, Female


New Zealand

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
joined feb 2008
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
4 years
My Training:
7 days Basic training at NTC, an MVA course
Currently a FireFighter next step will be my QFF
About Me:
Im a volly in the Waikato,I grew up in a house bus and preforming in fire shows around NZ, I love the out doors rock climbing,farming and traveling, Firefighting, . im a chatter box got the nick name at the station Yakka...Im now concidering training up a bit more and trying out for a permanant position in the service and in spare time will still volunteer
Day Job:
venues assistant for the taupo district council
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I think its just who I am,I was born for it. I love helping people, my brigade were recruiting and i thought well why not, and I love it. I cant imagine doing anything else. Its a good way of giving back to your community,
Why I Love Fire/EMS
because i was born to do it, i love the adrenilin and helping people

Comment Wall:

  • paula beckham

  • Mike Lintz

    Welcome to the nation Stay Safe from Antarctica
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Sarah, welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Southern Oregon Coast
  • paula beckham

    righty see you this evening
  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there; I’m Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends.
    Cheers Leo
  • paula beckham

    youve done well
  • John Moore

    Hi Sarah how are things where you are at, I'm new to this site in Nevada USA, I've been in the fire service for 30 years.
  • Gina

    thanks my dad is the same with me but im always asking him questions after every call that i'm unsure or just to get a refesher. But i'm always wanting to know more so i always ask the guys at my station my question if i can't ask my dad.
  • paula beckham

    ohhh reallly what happned did you fall asleep
  • paula beckham

    yea it did i was way up kaahu rd glad i read it b4 i droped the hammer to get back to mango they had taken the siren off line for maintenance and the page was just to advise of that
  • Tony P

    G'day Sarah. Be careful talking about training time, very differnt concept in North America and people may get the idea that vols in Kiwiland are pretty well untrained! I'm guessing that yours is more similar to ours? Start vols off with some very basic training and fill more in as time goes by? In some areas here a person can join, do a couple of the subjects and start helping almost straight away - limited help of course.

    In my area we've moved along so that new recruits have to obtain what we call Wildfire Minimum before they are issued with their wildfire turnout gear. Usually takes around three months one night a week and about half a day every two weekends.
  • Tony P

    Did you just close off that thread?
  • Tony P

    I thought your training may be on that sort of line. It's where some people could get confused. In North America they all seem to go along the FF1 and FF2 line - and FF1 is needed in many places before you do anything. I don't know what is in the FF1, but it does seem to take some time.

    We have four levels. Starts with Wildfire, then Wildfire Low Structure, Wildfire Structure and Structure Wildfire. Each Brigade is classified in one of the levels. Hmm, maybe I should post a thread on this topic?
  • Tony P

    To be an instructor? Depends in what field to what level really. I've always been an instructor of some sort or another, in a few fields. As a firefighter, I train only to the medium levels - I'm qualified to train higher, but those higher levels are usually taught by paid staff.
  • paula beckham

    yeah training tomorrow properly more hose drills sophs pump course cant be far away
    i read tonys comment about the training i think he has a point there appears to be big differences between us and the states i asked one of them on their post to explain it for me hasn't happened thou
  • paula beckham

    well thats good should be less hose drills then and more other stuff hopfully
    hope she did well on the course
    ive asked another guy to explain the ff1 and ff2 so with any luck he will come back to us with that
    ill see you tonite and explain in queens english what tony was meaning
  • paula beckham

    Hi ho you missed the call yesterday
    i had to roll the troop carrier no driver for the pump mike soph and gav followed about 5 mins later on the pump ohh i think i met fire dianne she was not super happy had to close the club to come to the school then left the keys behind mike was like smash the door in to the kitchen dianne was not amused but at the end of the day a search is only to be done propery or not at all
  • paula beckham

    shes not bad i broke the news to her last nite and it was tissue time for her took her round to joys today had a bit of a yak then back home S33t its cold here
  • paula beckham

    be carefull behind the wheel
  • paula beckham

    youve got your mate tony staying havent you and your mum has asked me and heather to drop in on you
  • paula beckham

    it was a grim callout this arvo
    other wise fine
  • paula beckham

    ummm yes they nosy rember the rule what happens on station and scene stays there refer all queries to national command we comment on nothing espech to the press or news and we may have training monday craig said those that show train mabee if its just a few we can do ba or ladder work ohh and post no scene photos here either thats also a no no
  • paula beckham

    na not really short of the old ones
  • chris walshe

    hey us 17 too how is it being a firefighter
  • chris walshe

    i realy cool i am in the upper hutt rural fire force we have a tanker call 9475 it is the only one in the wellington region

    what station r u from
  • chris walshe

    bein to any call recently
  • chris walshe

    what type of call was it

    we also had a fire call it was a 111- veg at silversteam it was a second aliam
  • chris walshe

    oh thats sad it reminds me of when we got a 111 stru then we got a k28 this was at 2 in the morning
  • paula beckham

    you feeling better yet
  • paula beckham

    good glad to hear it dont rush back to early thou
  • paula beckham

    im good never got to get the rubbish off of the trailer will need to do it tomorrow
    how was litttle mikeys party
    you be carefull driving tomorrow
  • Dave

    Hi Sarah
    How are you?

    Im Dave, member of Porirua Volunteer Fire Brigade, and a junior member of NZ RT8

    hope you are well.

    - Dave
  • Dave

    Hey, Iv been in about a year, so far the best year if my life maybe? what about yourself?
  • Dave

    Hey Sarah,
    Hope you had a good xmas and new years, hopefully not to busy either,

    Yeah im hoping to apply for a paid position either this year or maybe next as well, just deciding when to do my O.E. as i hope to try pick up some work in aussie and get some experience as a bushland firefighter as well
  • Ben 'Snapper' Auger

    Hey bud!

    Nice to meet you
    What station you at?
  • Ben 'Snapper' Auger

    Sounds Good!

    Im from Kaukapakapa Station, fairly decent area to cover :)

    What appliances you got?