
48, Female



Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Training Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Clear Mountain Rural Fire Brigade/Pine Rivers RFB Group
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Have completed several courses for firefighting response including my Cert IV in training and assessment, have also done Cert IV in critical incident stress management (CISM) so I also assist peers and their families in times of need due to either work or home related stressors.
I have many roles both paid and voluntary within the fire service. One of my latest roles is that of a community educator.
I also have specified training in motorsport fire and rescue also. And have dabbled in pyrotechnics (fireworks)
About Me:
Im fun loving, easy to talk to and relaxed person... enjoys helping others and dont expect anything in return. (even though a thankyou goes along way sometimes). I am single and have no children, however I have many interests including firefighting to keep me busy, I also like motorsports and fishing as well as camping.
Day Job:
Nurse (fulltime job)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Something different each day, challenging, rewarding work, mateship, assisting the community.........and much much more
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Mateship, helping others in times of need in various situations that could haappen to any one of us, educating people about wildfire safety and general fire prevention...

Comment Wall:

  • Jim aka Bick

  • Mel

    Im new to this site so looking forward to chatting and networking with others
  • Joel Swanson

    Welcome to FFN, Mel!
    Glad to have you on board here...
    Take Care Out There!
  • Mel

    Thanks I will.
  • scott kauhn

    welcome to ffn stay safe and have a great week
  • Capkurt

    Hi from Wisconsin, USA. One of your fellow countrymen moved himself and his family to my area (Green Bay) for 6 months so he could follow the Green Bay Packers football team. The community loved him.
  • Capkurt

    Thanks for the add. You'll have to tell me all about Brisbane and the rest of your area. Planning on visiting Australia when I retire in 3 or 4 years. The guy who followed his team was from Sydney. I copied the link to the local newspaper if you want to read about him.
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Hi ya mel how is things on your side of the planet today. Kinda quiet my way but other than that all is good ttyl.
  • Don Sims

    Stay safe down under.
  • jacob riel

    hows the sexiest aussie ff i know stay safe sis
  • Don Sims

    Everything is good here to. Just added a new video that I made, check it out sometime. Stay safe Mel. Don
  • jacob riel

    hows the cutest aussie ff i know u nothing much really taking some courses so i can so i can recertify my medical license other than that not much do try and behave and party live it up and drink it down
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Hey going good had a busy day on sat working at ems and had a good fire yesterday about 100 acers involved high wind and huge amounts of smoke thats makes for one whopping good
  • Captain Hays

    Mel, How you doing? Hope you are having a great week. Just wanted to stop and say Hi..
  • Da Chief - Jim O'Neill

    I love that hat you are wearing. The smile is very nice as well. Stay safe out therel

    Da Chief
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hello from Santa Barbara, California, USA! Thought I'd see if you were interested in sharing information and photos. I'm not familiar at all with Brisbane but would love to have the chance to get to know more from you.

    I've read that both of us have very similar terrain and weather conditions regarding wildland firefighting. My department was the actual 1st fire department in the USA to deal with large scale brush fires in the 1800's from fires that local indian tribes set to manage the land. This was in direct conflict with the local cattlemen who wanted to conserve range land for there cattle. We still have the same large scale fires as you are aware here in Southern California but have developed a lot of cool tactics and techniques for handling these incidents. What ever resources I have is yours. Just let me know how I can help out.

    Also, you are a nurse! This is cool. I helped my wife get through the RN program which was really tough. My wife is now working full time as a RN.

    If you have access to Google Earth, here's where I am located below. Take care and stay safe sister.

    Fire Station 18 GPS Coordinates
    34° 28’ 35.80” N
    120° 12’52.28” W

    Home GPS Coordinates:
    34° 37’ 23.36” N
    120° 12’25.01” W
  • Ashley

    Hey Mel, What's going on? Anything new in Brisbane? Not too much going on here in Durham, North Carolina....but that can be a good care!!
  • FireGuru

    Hey Mel, how you going? It's nice to see a few on this site with the steering wheel on the right side of the truck!!!! I'm interested in finding out about things in Oz. Regards from the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Ashley's been busy with the hurricanes...Hanna brought us some winds and tons of rain the eye came about an hour drive east of our area. Other than that it's been normal pace....

    hey how are you all good i hope hey just wondering if you able to send me a fd hat and a patch as i have just started collecting stay safe here is my postal address

    rob elliott
    8 scobie crescent
    bellambi nsw 2518

    yes i do whats your postal address can you please send me some fire department and paramedic patches as were doing the same at our station stay safe

    rob elliott
    8 scobie crescent
    bellambi nsw 2518

    have u sent the rfs patch to me
  • Ashley

    Stay safe over there with all the action going on.....when you get a chance let me know how you're doing ok?!
  • Doc82

    Thanks for the add.

    not yet but will let you know when i get it im heading down to victoria thursday thanks stay safe
  • Doc82

    hows it going down under?
  • Jason Tankred

    frie sevice keeping you busy down there?
  • Jessica Berntsson

    Hi Mel!
    Im looking fore som information about the firedemartment in Australia. Next year im going to Brisbane to play some rugby and im just qurius how things works over there. I am a full time firefighter in Sweden and I was the first female firefighter in our town. Is there any payed girls working there and what do you haf to do to become a firefighter.
    Thanks Jessica
  • Tommy Lewis

    HEY MEL;

    THANKS FOR THE ADD!!!!!!!!!!
  • adel

    My name is Adel and I am trying to figure out what products are best for female firefighters. I have worked as a firefighter for only three years so I am just getting started. Currently I am a student at Eastern algerinne University in in the Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Program. Although I have only been a firefighter for three years I have had my fair share of small gloves that were still too big and pants that went up to my belly button! I was wondering if you could take the time out of your busy schedule to share some of your favorite/best fitting/most functional products for female firefighters. Weather it’s an awesome fitting pair of pants, A polo shirt that has sleeves that do not go down to your elbows, a pair of great gloves, or boots that have an awesome fit. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share your opinions with me. Thank you very much. Please feel free to e-mail me back at or leave me a comment
  • adel

  • adel

    may msn
    sk adel_pompier
    yaoo adel_pomper
    tlf 213 772 62 32 45
  • adel

    You are beautiful and very Ahabp to Oaaraf Anki more
  • walt

    good morning
  • frans

    hello, nice to meet u.
  • Stefan Hilgers

    Greetings from cold Germany.
    Stay Safe
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey Mel - Welcome to FFN. There are 2 Single Fire Fighter groups on here - one which stays more active. Lots of men and women to socialize with. So come join us there as well. Another great group to join is the Chief's Back Room Crew - where we stir up a lot of mischief. See you around the pages. Heather B
  • Stefan Hilgers

    0 and -5 degrees . yesterday abd today the sun shines !
  • frans

    hi, i am fine, thanks. How about u, i hope u ok.
  • Mark Fuqua

    Hey Mel, Thanks for having me as a friend. I like your photos "STAY SAFE KEEP IN TOUCH.