
48, Female



Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Training Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Clear Mountain Rural Fire Brigade/Pine Rivers RFB Group
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Have completed several courses for firefighting response including my Cert IV in training and assessment, have also done Cert IV in critical incident stress management (CISM) so I also assist peers and their families in times of need due to either work or home related stressors.
I have many roles both paid and voluntary within the fire service. One of my latest roles is that of a community educator.
I also have specified training in motorsport fire and rescue also. And have dabbled in pyrotechnics (fireworks)
About Me:
Im fun loving, easy to talk to and relaxed person... enjoys helping others and dont expect anything in return. (even though a thankyou goes along way sometimes). I am single and have no children, however I have many interests including firefighting to keep me busy, I also like motorsports and fishing as well as camping.
Day Job:
Nurse (fulltime job)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Something different each day, challenging, rewarding work, mateship, assisting the community.........and much much more
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Mateship, helping others in times of need in various situations that could haappen to any one of us, educating people about wildfire safety and general fire prevention...

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  • Mark Fuqua

    Thanks for the comment on my videos. Hope you have good weeknd.
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Just wanted to give you an invite to come join the new singles chat I started in the group - Chief's Back Room Crew - since it seems more people hang out in there on a daily basis - i wanted to give some more opportunities for us fun singles to visit with each other and gather up more of the wandering singles in this site - so invite your single friends and come join us... see you around the pages. Lady Heather B
  • lee alexander bryant

    hiĀ  mel