Vic Silverfish


Kellyville NSW


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
NSW Rural Fire Service
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
PGFD Prince George's County Maryland, USA
College Park MD
District Heights MD
My Training:
Fire, HazMat II, EMT-B
About Me:
American expat living in Australia. Grew up in Prince George's County Maryland, now living about 30km from Sydney. Back home, my department was entirely urban, here we are mostly bush fire, it's very different, but a lot of fun doing a new thing.
Day Job:
computer security guy
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined because I love the excitement. I stayed in because I enjoy making a postive impact.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Chicks dig it!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The heavy focus on firefighter safety is starting to outpace our commitment to the public. We need to be prepared to risk our lives a little for property, and a lot for life.

Comment Wall:

  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Vic, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Brookings, Oregon
  • DUST

    Tacoma Park! I know it well, so how does one end up down under?
  • DUST

    Oh and that handsome bloke is me!
  • Jessica Swift

    haha yeah. that was my initiation into the dept. as well as their way of celebrating my passing of my level 2 certification.
  • DUST

    So you married a girl smarter than you...I can relate!
  • Luis Garcia

  • DUST

    I grew up their but didn't start firefighting till I moved to NC still a great dept. my neighbor across the street was active for many years there...thanks for sharing I enjoyed the article.
  • Jack/dt

    Vic thanks for the add, it's nothing I can't handle but someone watching my back is always welcome. thanks mate. I was in Sydney in 07 for a month, great place, I envy you living there. Watch out for the bitey things.
    Stay safe and have a great christmas.
  • Perry Bryant

    hey i noticed your postings on station mottos and saw all DC metro area stations-- im probably going to be at university of MD and was looking at living at a dept while there... any suggestions or comments? thanks
  • Perry Bryant

    Yah just approve my friend request and message me your email and I will shoot you one back.
  • Michael A Freezer

    Thanks for the comment on my blog.. I am just proposing ideas to the politicians, it will be up to them if they want to try to implement them. It will be weird going from one of the most liked to the worst liked in the county... Oh well just so the end results are better for the community.
  • Aussie

    Thanks for the friend request! I call myself "Aussie" because my profile picture of the skull is a replica of Austrailopithecus - an extinct hominid.
  • Berni

    Hi Vic! Very good - with this knowledge of German you could almost make a holiday with us ;)
    A tip - if you ever make vacation in Austria, then order a beer with the words "ein Krügerl bitte", which is the Austrian version of "ein pils bitte" .. it sounds better ;).
    Bye and thx for adding my friendslist, Bernd
  • Berni

    Switzerland is really a different country - if you ever come to Austria, you sure will notice the differences (our mountains are not as high, but the people are more pleasant ;).....). If you ever come over, I can certainly help you. Incidentally, I have a friend who was 15 years for half a year in Australia and he was really excited. If it were not so far away, I would have it (visiting with family is not so easy.) Seawas and a great weekend from frosty Austria (-10 degrees celsius), Bernd
    ("Seawas" is typically Austrian for a friendly hello / bye)
  • Berni

    O, you know "Komissar Rex"? It started 1993 on austrian an german television .. if I'm honest, I've seen almost nothing of it and it's a long time ago. But I'm happy that you know the "glühwein" that is in the winter with us a national drink (but not always for drivers because it could happen that one has after drinking such a problems with the driving ;)...);
    Merry christmas to you and your family!

    hey vic msoa fire rescue is part of motorsporet fire service and i have just applied for nsw rural fire service at austinmer not far from my home

    i have applied for austinmer rural fire service and i was told that most of the training that i have done they can tick me off i have done the following training\breathing apparatus operator road crash rescue training wildfire behaviour aquatic first aid level 2 apply first aid vertical rescue

    hey mate what are you doing have you had any fire calls
  • Christian Cossey

    Thank you for the add. ow are you doing? Hope your year is starting out well. Stay safe.
  • Christian Cossey

    Congrats on the child!
  • Derek R.

    Anytime brother
  • Abdirahman "Abi"

    Thanks for your nice welcome, for sure I will drop some Djibouti Fire team soon
  • Jack/dt

    Fight the good fight, for whatever it's worth.
    Have a good one, mate.
  • Rafael Szabó

    thanks for the add ! Greatings from Hungary! Stay Safe!

    hey vic how are things whats been happening with you latley hey i am just starting my own motorsport fire company called trackside fire emergency and i am looking for firefighter to volunteer for my team if your intrested let me know so i can send you the application in the post hey do you have structal gear if not what you have is ok mate
  • Liz O'Neill

    Hi Vic
    Well you may have an opportunity to participate in a big HR up here if it goes ahead. Rumour has it, it will be in Spring. Will kep you in the loop if I get word.
  • Chris Moore

    yea thanks seems like it i did not expect all the comments on it lol
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    So Vic: you think you want to be my friend... hmmm... are you sure? I can be a lot to handle! Are you by any chance, SDA ? I saw that you served in College Park, MD - isn't that an SDA town? Well great to meet you officially. I look forward to seeing you around the pages. Stay safe and keep in touch. Heather
  • frans

    thanks for the learning...