Christian Cossey

35, Female

Louisville, KY.

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Use to work for California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire)
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
I love slushies from 7-11. I'm deathly afraid of penguins. I don't know why, I just am. I have about a million different personalities. I'm the athlete, the musician, the writer, the photographer, the emo girl, the punk, and so much more. I try to find some form of interest in everything. I'm really good at turning boring situations into great fun situations. I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions. I'm not one for complaining. I'm running out of sympathy and I still don't sleep. I don't take anything lying down. Ummmm let's see, I'm 5'9" and 139 pounds. My hair color is always changing and I have hazel eyes. I love BMX racing. I became a professional BMX racer in January of 2007. I like dirt jumping, flatland and do some street riding on my bike as well. I also love aggressive rollerblading. I turned professional in rollerblading in 2006. I also love to MTB, skateboard, MX, wakeboard, snowboard, play paintball, baseball, and hockey. I also love playing every instrument possible. I can play the electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and piano. Monster Energy Drinks and Lucky Charms rock. I love just chillin' and watching movies and listening to music. I love to travel. I have been all over the United States, Canada, and Australia. I'd really love to go to Germany (No, I'm not a Nazi lol). I believe this society has gone to hell and not too many people care either. One thing I don't like about the majority of people is that they don't try to fix a problem until it's already too late and unfixable. I think the war we are fighting now is for a dumb reason. I lost a brother to this current war. I'm not a tree hugging hippie and I'm not an all out kill everyone type of person. I believe in fighting when it is needed, and fighting is not really needed that much. Most people just believe it is. Well guess what, it's not. Sometimes I wish people would just open their eyes and notice that such a great place is just going to waste. I highly doubt a lot of people would notice though. Half of them are just decaying in a world of greed and hate and they don't even know it. Right now I'm still in school. I have my AA in Journalism and I'm working on my BA in Criminology. I have my BS in Political Science as well. If there is anything else you wanna know about me just ask. Either message me on here or my Yahoo! IM is: cosseychristian My AIM IM is: kristencossey My MSN IM is:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My father was a firefighter and I grew up wanting to be him.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It just runs in my blood.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of training and paying attention to the situation.

Comment Wall:

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  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there Christian, any body thats been to Australia, can't be that bad. Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends.
    I also collect Patches and badges; If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance Service Badge, (patch) for exchange of one of your service patches,
    My Email is (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU) and/or my address is:-
    Leo Cartwright J.P. 246 Kay Street; TRARALGON; Victoria; Australia; 3844

    Cheers Leo
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Christian, welcome to the nation. Glad you joined the group. The more the merrier. Just jump in and get your feet wet. Dont be shy. There is lots to do, read and be involved with here. Your participation is important. Have fun and be safe.


    welcome to this big family
    be safe & have fun
  • brandweermanjan

    hi a am fire man from holland
  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn from NY
  • Dale

    hey how u doin
  • Allen Howard

    Opinions being worth what they are... Yes, find a fire service chaplain. If that’s not your thing find a local CISD team. They ARE emergency workers and they do understand. They have a central phone number (410-750-9600) and an emergency line 410-313-2473 and will hook you up with someone. Just from your profile and blogs I can tell you've dealt with more than anyone deserves. Please let me know how you're doing from time to time.
  • Allen Howard

    Just checking on ya.
  • Dan Shane

    I am doing much better. Tell me. Do we know each other?
  • DUST

  • chuck

  • Dan Shane

    Never hurts to have more friends
  • Dale

    its alright, havent been on the website alot due to, well my good friends on this site left, how are you?
  • 134Chief

    How are you?

    its been good. But way too quite, which is good for the people I serve but boring for me. how are you?
  • Dale

    yeah i have an AIM, "igotproublems"
  • chuck

    good you

    sorry it's taken me so long to message you back. I glade to hear that your healing up. Things here has started to pick up some since we last talked.
  • Clint

    Well, much like Mr. Wilson, I apologize for not have replied sooner; I've been busy finishing EMT and applying for this reserve position all the while buying and then moving in to a new home. Hope all is well and have a Merry Christmas!
  • Dustin J. Millis

    hey, thanx. Yep, christmas was good, spent time with family. Things are as good as they can be i guess lol. Last night at work, then its a ten day vacation!!!! I'm excited! lol Time for Hockey!
  • Dustin J. Millis

    As much as I hate to say it.... The flyers :( what are they now 18-18-2? something like that... now they are playing the bruins for the winter classic... thats gona be like watching train wreck lol
  • Stephan Schrader

    Thank you! Good, and you? Grettings from Germany!
  • Stephan Schrader

    Why that?
  • Stephan Schrader

    And now is all fine?
  • Stephan Schrader

    I wish you the best for the healing!
  • Stephan Schrader

    sorry, I didn´t understand. Do you mean our work?
  • Daniel J Rocha

    Hey there fellow Ontarionian, thanks for adding me =) You've been a Firefighter/EMT for 3 years now? That's impressive, looks like you've seen a lot already. How are you liking it?

    Wishing you all the best, Happy New Year =) Stay safe.
  • Daniel J Rocha

    Hey, I'm glad to hear you like it a lot, keep it up. You are doing a great thing for the world.

    I am from Toronto myself, and have been living here all of my life. I've never been much of a traveler myself, but that's only because of current money constraints haha. Otherwise, I would probably already have been all over the place.

    I took a gander at your hobbies, it seems like you've been in a lot! Good stuff, pro in bmx! I also saw some of your injuries, I hope you make a good recovery.
  • Daniel J Rocha

    No problem. And yes, I plan on getting into the fire service. Firefighter at first if anything, right now I'm doing a lot of theoretical on Fire Science, Technology, Electronics etc. through my program, and then I will do a Pre-Service Firefighter Program through my program as well. Then I guess that'll be half the battle, from there it'll be the application process.

    Adrenaline junkie eh? I am too. Even though I haven't done nearly enough as I would have hoped. I do love to bike everywhere and find new paths to tear up, was thinking of buying a BMX at one point too, maybe I'll look into it again =) Snowboarding is a lot of fun too. Have to have a sport for each season after all.
  • Vic Oleson

    Hey Christian Thanx for adding me too. Its kinda weird you requested the add because i noticed your from Clovis. My 2 Sisters live across the street from you in Fresno. small world huh? Have a Happy New Year And Stay Safe Vic
  • Vic Oleson

    Pretty Good Just turned 2010--38 mins ago here guess you have 1 1/2 hours to go.
  • LO

    lol bad man its harsh for being 5 ft. and working like i do can't wait for afghanistan this summer Lolz
  • DUST

    Did you respond to this?

  • Brian Dumser

    Thanks for the add. My 2 sons used to race BMX, luckily the worst injury either of them had was a broken thumb! Stay safe!
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    First off, I thought I'd spruce up your page with a little bread and butter structure fire... Secondly, when my wife and I were first married, we lived in Clovis off 9th & Minnewawa, under the water storage tank in the bulk condo/apts. I bet it's changed since 1980... We now have three daughters, so I have the girl thing down pretty well now. Having spent 30 years in the fire service, and having a special place in my heart for my kids, please always know that I will be more than willing to help you out should the need arise. I like your posts, I like your attitude and I encourage you to continue your studies and goals to be the person you are destined to be. Have an absolutely fantastic 2010 and thanks for adding me as a friend. Also, is the famous talking bear still up the road on the way to Yosemite? I used to work for Jones Ambulance and taught paramedic school at Fresno Medical Center. God that was a long time ago... :D
    Stay safe, CBz (Mike)
  • Daniel J Rocha

    Hey Christian

    Haven't heard from you in a while, hope you're doing well for the New Year so far.

  • Daniel J Rocha

    Good to hear from you Christian.

    I am well, thank you. Hope you had a Happy New Year, keep up the good blog posts. =)
  • Luke Summers

    Im very sorry for your loss, I know its been rough lately but just remember, all the bad things that have happened are just leading you up to something amazing in the future.
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    You can call me on my cell as well, 805.896.7993 or my home phone 805.688.2401 anytime Christian. I'm always willing to help out. I hope I can be of assistance. TCSS, Mike Schlags
  • Matt (aka Hawk)

    You're more than welcome, & I'm fine thanks :o) Hope you are well, & thanks for the invite to your group.

    Hope to speak soon,

  • Vic Silverfish

    G'day! things are good...Our daughter (our first kid) finally decided to be born, so I have not been very active with my local brigade for the past few weeks. We all thought it would be one heck of a season, but lately we've had a ton of rain. We are due for an epic fire season, every year it delays, I get a little more nervous!

    How have you been?
  • Rusty Mancini

    Great pics. on your profile page, thanks for the invite. Be safe out there!
  • Rusty Mancini

    Been doing fine, getting ready for brush fire,which for here in SC starts next month. Nothing like you all have out there! 200 plus is the big one around here. lol.. One day I would like to observe those big ones you all have to deal with. Be safe; Stay safe!
  • Daniel J Rocha

    Hey Christian, it's been going well. Just quite busy with studies. Awaiting the spring months!

    Hope all is well with you too, take care and stay safe.

  • John Crabbe

    Hi Christian, sorry took a bit to get back, but yep things are going OK in this neck of the woods. How about you?
  • sherry miles

    we are doing pretty good and i feel as my guys do and ill send that along to them thanks
  • Paul Dudan

    Hi Christian! The wow, well I guess it comes from how powerful all of the things we do sound when you put them together. Almost similar to 'Cleaning this gun' by Rodney Atkins. It sounds like you are surrounded by great firefighters in a great station and I wish you all the best.
    I was saddened to read your blog post about your sister. I hope they are able to find a donor. You are all in my prayers.
  • Stuart Telfer

    Kristen i hope you have waiters your gonna need them the water is deep and just starting to go down. What are you comming to the area for? Do you have a place to live or are you looking for a nice area, if you need anything as far as where the good areas are or resturants or short cuts let me know and ill do what i can. If you want my phone # ask ill give it to you.
  • Dale

  • Dale

    physical rehab? what happend?